I just got back from Autozone, where i had the guy hook my car up to check codes. I got a total of 3 codes. 1st was misfiring in 4th cylinder, the other 2 were P1406 and P1441. I read on his sheet what the codes said but man i tell ya it musta been written in some new kind of language hehe. He called his wife who works at a dealership or something and she said the 2 codes mean that either me or the person who owned the car before me was starting the car up and taking off right away. Supposedly he said i am supposed to give all the electrical components time to work before taking off. He also stated that the codes are being drawn from something electrical(not sure if he used that exact word, mightve been timing) His wife asked how many miles i had on the car ( 103,000 ) and she said i will have to replace my timing chain/belt. The prob im having is often when i go to accelerate above 1/2 throttle i feel(no sound) popping and it doesnt want to accelerate. Also i noticed after trying to rev my car up in park to see if it hesitates that my car has a rev limiter? Is this something im supposed to have? Would the misfire in 4th cylinder cause my acceleration problem? i have a 96 Firebird 3.8 auto. ohhh weirdest part is...i have had my car 3 weeks now. I have given her a total of 3 baths in a car wash. EVERY time i try to leave the booth my check engine light comes on and it seems to run rough, it clears up after 20 minutes or so. Yesterday i drove in the booth turned my car OFF before the car wash started, when it was done i started it up and the check engine light flashed and then stayed lit yet again !!!Ran rough for 20 minutes and then cleared up, i went to a friends house and the car sat for an hour or so and then when i went to leave the light was off and running fine again.
