Does a bad fuel pump screw up gas mileage? - Message Board


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Does a bad fuel pump screw up gas mileage?

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  • Does a bad fuel pump screw up gas mileage?

    Hi guys:

    Quick question. My gas mileage in the last few months went from 370 on a full tank to 300. I've changed everything I can think of:

    1. new plugs, wires
    2. new fuel filter
    3. new air filter
    4. new o2 sensors
    5. tire pressure fine
    6. ran fuel cleaner and have been putting in the good gas.
    7. even my gas fuel cap is new.
    8. did the jiffy lube fuel system cleaning where a bunch of smoke comes out the tail pipe.
    9. no SES at all.

    I do hear my fuel pump making noises at times and the fuel sender unit is dead so I don't get the correct fuel reading. I have 150,000 on a 99 stock camaro.

    You guys think I should change the fuel pump? Just wondering how I can get those 70 miles back especially with the cost of gas being freakin $2.50 a gallon here in LA!


  • #2
    I would, why not? It's only like $60 to replace. And if it works, then you'll make that money back from gas money. BTW, check out the West Coast Forum!
    <b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Sinister Six</a> </b><br /><br />1998 Sport Metallic Gold Firebird A4:<br /><br />Whisper Lid, 5% Limo Tint, 30th Anniversary Side Stripes, 3\" Borla Catback Dual Exhaust, Man Fan Switch, SLP CAI<br /> <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>


    • #3
      Since its really old...Change it anyway...It cant hurt.


      • #4
        Tire size can also hurt fuel economy,so can a bad alignment.

        Whats your average engine temp?

        180-200 is optimum,anything below can also hurt fuel economy.


        • #5
          umm what about you PCV ?

          1997 3800 Series II Camaro
          4600 Stall for my ride to the mall :chug:
          7.18 @ 99.77 1/8 -1.8x sixty (current quickest v6 fbod)
          11.23 @ unk 5 1/4 - 7.19 1/8 - 1.83 sixty


          • #6
            Don't feel too bad I'm getting more like 220-240ish depending on how I drive.

            To get better gas mileage you could buy a hybrid


            • #7
              Originally posted by V8 Killer:
              so can a bad alignment.

              really... how badly is it affected?
              i noticed my car pulls to the right... and my gas mileage seems pretty bad...

              White 1998 3.8L Camaro
              Home Ram Air / Free Flow Intake
              Drilled / Slotted Rotors with black painted Calipers


              • #8
                Well how badly depends on how much it is out of alignment..The more out of whack the harder the engine works to go straight.Get an alignment done soon.

                PCV Valve is also a factor in economy and emissions.It costs like $3 and takes 30 seconds to pop in.

                [ March 07, 2005, 09:52 PM: Message edited by: V8 Killer ]


                • #9
                  Do you live in a warm climate?

                  AC Use also eats up gas..So does aerodynamic drag from open windows/T-tops.


                  • #10
                    Forgot to mention already did PCV valve too. Did alignment too about 3 months ago. Its been about 65 degrees here for the last several months so haven't been running AC either. My engine temp is normal as well runs always between 180 - 200ish Well I guess i will give changing the fuel pump a try.



                    • #11
                      I have a brand new fuel pump that buzzes on and off all the time, especially when it's cold out or when the tank is full. If the car starts fine and does not sputter at higher throttle I would not go through the hassle of replacing the fuel pump unless you know for sure that it's bad. Plus, I am lucky to get 250 miles per tank (mostly city) and I only have 60,000 miles. I wouldn't worry about a little gas mileage drop...a lot of things can cause that.
                      1999 Y87 Camaro<br />Whisper Lid, SLP SS Takeoff Exhaust


                      • #12
                        have you thought about new fuel injectors? or at least use some fuel injector cleaner. you could have a clogged injector.

                        current car- 95 Trans am- bolt ons, parked and collecting dust. why? because **** it

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