got 2grand or so what would you do. - Message Board


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got 2grand or so what would you do.

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  • got 2grand or so what would you do.

    ive got a 2000 firebird with a 3200 stall converter, 342 gears, tranny cooler,some free mods, and a flowmaster exhaust what would you do with 2grand cam, slp rocker lifter arms, and supersix ported and polished heads?? or any other suggestions. by the way the nitrous will come a mo after all this is done. how much of a gain could i expect with a setup like this im wanting a pretty agresive cam so yeah any help would be apreciated. [img]graemlins/toto.gif[/img]

  • #2
    stick a blower on it :cool:

    either that or take every necessary step to make the nitrous so that when applied, it would b fully utilized (mayb forging stuff and getting a bigger fuel pump, i dunno). also get a nitrous kit for ur passenger seat, just in case u ever need to jetison it [img]graemlins/fluffy.gif[/img]


    • #3
      If you get a cam, you'll have to make sure it's a NOS cam. And that somebody can reprogram your computer.
      I'd get the cam, and heads, that would prolly be 2k right there.

      Magnus ran 13.8 with just a cam, you should talk to him about what cam would be right for you car. Might see 30 or 40hp from cam and heads, I don't know for sure though.
      <b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Sinister Six©</b></a><br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">My \'95 Bird</a><br />I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship.


      • #4
        Sorry I was busy last night Cody. You don't need SLP rockers AND a different cam, that's pointless. But a nice custom grind cam will make your car alot more fun. Then heads, especially if you go with a bigger cam like mine. I will be looking into SS heads soon, because I think they are holding me back alot. Get the MAFT+ and maybe MISD4 so that you can do a little tuning on that bad boy yourself. Take it to Texas Speed once you have everything and throw it on the dyno to tune it. You'll have to have your cat gutted for this. Headers will help!
        <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a> THE SOURCE!


        • #5
          ok im going with a very hot cam and a super six motor sports pp heads. does anyone know of a guy who can reprogram our coputers for knock sensors idle time and stuff like that?


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