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Oil Leaks!

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  • Oil Leaks!

    My car is leaking a bit of oil.I was actully low today when I checked,about a quart and a ½.What could it be? I can never tell where its coming from.I remember It started leaking a few days after I took the car to this small family operated shop to get an oil change.Could it be something simple like a bad oil filter gasket or seal?

  • #2
    it could very well be something as simple as a improperly installed filter or oil pan nut, or as bad as a rear main seal. you need to get under there and find where its coming from.
    2000 3.8 A4 Pewter Camaro


    • #3
      how does a rear main seal go? What are the differences between the leaks? Would the rear main seal leak ALOT more like an exxon station under the car? I'm just having sparadic leaking here and there.

      [ March 31, 2005, 12:39 AM: Message edited by: V8 Killer ]


      • #4
        Check the filter, the old filters gasket could have come off and stayed on the car, when the new one went on, so it could be letting some oil out, so check on that first.
        2000 3800 II V6 Firebird<br />various small mods, bigger stuff later.


        • #5
          You should atleast be able to narrow down whether its coming from the front of the block... maybe oil filter if its near the bottom, or rear. Mainly around the oil pan nut or does it look like its coming up higher from between the engine and transmission? Unfortunately that rear main seal is notorious for leaking on our cars.
          \'98 Camaro V6<br />Appearance... pleasing<br />Performance... just a little extra air.


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