Well, after taking my 3.8L 99 M5 firebird to the shop last week and getting it scanned, I got no codes. The car starts fine when its cold, but once its warmed up it will start but stutters & shakes violently & will finally take off and rev up to 3000 rpm. Then yesterday it decieded to die while idling. I got it back home and let it sit there & and listened to the fuel pump. Then all of a sudden the fuel pump started working really hard (the usual humming noise got alot higher) and it started to sputter & finally die. It seems like the pump can't get the fuel up to the engine, works its @$$ off and gives up. Does this sound like a plugged strainer, bad fuel pump, FPR or something like that? I've replaced the plugs, wires, fuel filter twice and still this problem persists. I would really appreciate it if someone could help to save a few $$$. I'm gonna get a fuel pressure check done tomorrow & take it from there, but if anyone else has had this happen I'd like to know what fixed it.
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fuel pump?
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