Time for a new MAF? - FirebirdV6.com/CamaroV6.com Message Board


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Time for a new MAF?

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  • Time for a new MAF?

    My ses came on so I took it to Advance Auto Parts and got the code read and it was the MAF P0102. Ever time that I try to punch it hesitates then keeps on accelerating, or when im just sitting there after about 30 secs the rpms drop real low almost like its going to stall... so I unpluged the wire harness from the MAF then I let it sit there for 5 mins and the rpms never dropped. Then I drove it down my street and I got on it once and it never hesitated. When I came back into my drive way I plugged the wires back in and a couple seconds later the rpms dropped..Does all of this mean I need to get a new MAF?

  • #2
    Re: Time for a new MAF?

    take it out and hose it down hard with throttle body cleaner spray. Do not touch the thin wire with anything but the spray. This happend to me when i first got my car, turns out it had lots of dust and dirt build up on it.
    <a href=\"http://www.cardomain.com/ride/2245261\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.cardomain.com/ride/2245261</a> Green 1997, 105k, all stock except for Z28 front springs, Air shocks in the rear, home made coolant recovery tank, home made battery hold down.


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