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Random missfire

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  • #16
    well hell after replacing the igniton module 166$ it still start idlesrough and than dies
    1999 Firebird 3.8 Chamelon<br /><br />MagnaFlow Catback<br /><br />Devon


    • #17
      Laso JAmes what shop didyou goto can you give me a name or number
      1999 Firebird 3.8 Chamelon<br /><br />MagnaFlow Catback<br /><br />Devon


      • #18
        well **** i took the serpatin belt off and now the car runs but its still missfiring bad
        1999 Firebird 3.8 Chamelon<br /><br />MagnaFlow Catback<br /><br />Devon


        • #19
          Did you put the wires on correctly? Change your fuel filter too.


          • #20
            what would removing the serpentine belt solve/prove?
            Have you tried replacing a coil pack yet?
            It's easy, cheap [ I got a generic one for $21 at advance auto ], and a good thing to keep as a spare if it isn't the problem. Just keep switching it around and see if the misfire goes away.
            disclaimer: I'm not a mechanic...
            \'00 f-bird 3.8 M5 coupe, pewter metallic<br />Torsen LSD, Pro 5.0 shifter, Spec stage 1 clutch, Y87 muffler, aftermarket stereo<br />-more fun than the Oldsmobile it replaced...


            • #21
              i had my coil packs and my module tested and my coil packs were good but my moduale wasnt and also as far as the serptine belts i think its becuase i dont have the ac lines runned and maybe the compressor is trying tolock up i can still spend the pulley though

              [ August 16, 2004, 01:24 AM: Message edited by: therock ]
              1999 Firebird 3.8 Chamelon<br /><br />MagnaFlow Catback<br /><br />Devon


              • #22
                I see. Sorry I can't help any more than this. Please be sure to post when you figure out what caused the problem, though. good luck.
                \'00 f-bird 3.8 M5 coupe, pewter metallic<br />Torsen LSD, Pro 5.0 shifter, Spec stage 1 clutch, Y87 muffler, aftermarket stereo<br />-more fun than the Oldsmobile it replaced...


                • #23
                  same thing happened to me. went to autozone hooked it up to the computer, and it said that cylinder 5 was misfireing, so i bought new spark plugs and wires(was going to anyway the car had over 50,000 miles on it) changed them and the missfire was still there. so i went to discount spent twenty five bux and got a new coil($38 for ac delco. dont get riped off by the dealer or mechanic charging 70+bux to fix) changed it and now the car runs better than ever.


                  • #24
                    yeah but i had the coil checked and the guy said there was no prob now i no that you cant always trust computer but im going to put new spark plugs in becuase all my were fouled out and if that dont help i guess ill just buy new coils
                    1999 Firebird 3.8 Chamelon<br /><br />MagnaFlow Catback<br /><br />Devon


                    • #25
                      damn i took the spark plugs otu today and all of them beside one was foulded bad im putting it all back tomm and ill tell yall if it fixed it yet
                      1999 Firebird 3.8 Chamelon<br /><br />MagnaFlow Catback<br /><br />Devon


                      • #26
                        ok well all new plugs and wires are in and the car runs maybe 25% better but its still not good i think im going to get the coils tested tomm it has to be either that or the crank shaft sensor im starting tom get pissed at this car please if anybody else has any ideas please let me know
                        1999 Firebird 3.8 Chamelon<br /><br />MagnaFlow Catback<br /><br />Devon


                        • #27
                          Also any1 ever heard of this

                          Someone else:
                          Hello, I just went through this similiar problem and 800.00 later I found out that it was the sensor that tells the ignition module when to fire, this sensor is located behind the flywheel and costs about 50.00. If you are mechanical with the right tools then it is an easy fix. The coil packs are able to be removed and any competent electrical shop would be able to tell you if they were bad.

                          Also can gm scan your car with a tool and tell you exactly whats wrong for some $

                          [ August 22, 2004, 12:34 AM: Message edited by: therock ]
                          1999 Firebird 3.8 Chamelon<br /><br />MagnaFlow Catback<br /><br />Devon


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by therock:
                            Also any1 ever heard of this

                            Someone else:
                            Hello, I just went through this similiar problem and 800.00 later I found out that it was the sensor that tells the ignition module when to fire, this sensor is located behind the flywheel and costs about 50.00. If you are mechanical with the right tools then it is an easy fix. The coil packs are able to be removed and any competent electrical shop would be able to tell you if they were bad.

                            Also can gm scan your car with a tool and tell you exactly whats wrong for some $
                            we dont have any senors on the bock of the motor....
                            1997 3800 Series II Camaro
                            4600 Stall for my ride to the mall :chug:
                            7.18 @ 99.77 1/8 -1.8x sixty (current quickest v6 fbod)
                            11.23 @ unk 5 1/4 - 7.19 1/8 - 1.83 sixty


                            • #29
                              hummm do 3.4s have them i got this off an old post off here looking up random missifre
                              1999 Firebird 3.8 Chamelon<br /><br />MagnaFlow Catback<br /><br />Devon


                              • #30
                                im going to try to do this monday i hope this well clear it up
                                1999 Firebird 3.8 Chamelon<br /><br />MagnaFlow Catback<br /><br />Devon


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