i know it has been posted by other people but I cant seem to understand this...so yesterday I get back to my glass shop from work and i start the car and let it idle til its at the idle temp as always, and my car starts stumbling really really bad, I tried to drive it and it stumbled around the lower rpms then jumps up normal...the check engine light came on and I had it tested at autozone and I get code # P1514 which is Airflow to TP Sensor Correlation High ... and I get the p0305 which is misfire on 5th cylinder, the misfire im sure its the coil pack but the TP sensor, does that just mean i need a new tps?? i mean it stumbles and bogs down badly! i know it has something to do with the maf or tps. 99 camaro 118K+ miles, new plugs and wires, plugs gapped correctly. good oil...plugs not fowled little rich smelling after problem happened....engine power light came on then went off cus i took maf out then put it back in. im stumped...hopefully its just the tps cause the maf is expensive
