Sorry this is in the wrong section and all, but I need some quick help. I been having a rough day and to get one stupid birthday card on my way home (i just put new gauges on) my gas needle was reading close to low but wasn't exactly on it. So my car ran out of gas in the begining of my neighborhood. So no problem, I called my dad to drop me off some gas in a can out of our garage. I probably put a gallon in. And I still couldn't get it started. I figured because it was a little on a hill maybee it needed a few more gallons to pick up. So I put 6 more gallons in. Still nothing. And I may have possibly flooded it. I kept a charger on it just to make sure my battery wasn't running low. I'm not getting any oil pressure when I try to crank it but if I leave it for a while it will start shooting up. Everything else looks fine, it just isn't getting any fuel. I tried for a while to keep cranking it. I hope I didn't burn my fuel pump out by running it out of gas, because this isn't the first time I ran out. DO you guys have any suggestions with flooding? I need some help soon. Thanks Guys!
[ March 22, 2004, 07:47 PM: Message edited by: Ted ]
[ March 22, 2004, 07:47 PM: Message edited by: Ted ]