SES light after replacing thermostat - Message Board


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SES light after replacing thermostat

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  • SES light after replacing thermostat

    The thermostat was stuck open, so I replaced it last night. The car is running OK, except the SES light is coming on steady.
    I had no problem with replacing the thermostat except I had to un-bolt one end of a flexible pipe that appears to run from the EGR to the intake manifold in order to gain enough clearance to move the thermostat housing out of the way. I believe I put everything back together properly so I'm not sure why the SES is coming on. Any idea what might be causing this?

  • #2
    Re: SES light after replacing thermostat

    hmmm, that pipe may not have sealed up too well, have the code read, id put my money on it being caused by the EGR tho.


    • #3
      Re: SES light after replacing thermostat

      +1 on EGR. Take it back off, clean the track and make sure it is also getting a good connection when you seat it back on there. Then, have someone clear out the code for you and you will be all set.

      And, some food for thought........You don't have to take off the EGR to remove your thermostat. I've replaced plenty of them without ever removing the Egr. I guess just work it from a different angle if ever in the future you are replacing the thermo. and don't want an unwanted code popping up.


      • #4
        Re: SES light after replacing thermostat

        get the code scanned then we can try and help you. It might have nothing to do with your thermostat replacement and just a coincidense that it came on at the same time


        • #5
          Re: SES light after replacing thermostat

          I gurantee it's his EGR. There is nothing a thermostat can do that will throw a code. So, it's either his EGR or something that isn't even related to what he touched while changing his thermostat.


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