Free mods for a 94 V-6 Camaro - Message Board


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Free mods for a 94 V-6 Camaro

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  • Free mods for a 94 V-6 Camaro

    Hey. I'm looking for any mods (which can be done free) for a 94 V-6. I see all sorts of ones for later model Camaros, but have never really seen any for early years. Are there any? Simple ones? Hard ones? I'm just looking to squeeze some more hp out of an older V-6 without spending much money. Any help would be great!!!

  • #2
    Throttle body bypass...

    -cut the hoses oing inot the TB, and use an inline hose connectro ($2) and 2 hose clamps ($1)
    -unhook the exhaust after the cat (free)
    -Make a CAI
    -Lt1 drivesahft conversion(just a good idea cuz the stock 2 piece is a pos and will cause problems in higher mileage($25)

    thats all I have off the top of my head


    • #3
      You can remove your air silencer, this is that black thin plastic peice right by your air box where your air filter is.

      Just take off and toss it, also you can cut open your air box.

      Remove the air box and you see how small the factory opening is? Its about the size of your fist, well cut it as big as you can for more air flow. This is assuming you have a 3.4


      • #4
        I'd like instructions on making a home CAI system. I've searched and have yet to come up with any, only pics of people having them, no instructions. I already have a K&N filter, it's the only mod I have. Any links would be awesome! Thanks


        • #5

          -3in to 3in rubber coupling
          -3in PVC piping(one 90* angel, one straight pience
          -3in. 45 degree angle bend rubber couppng

          all at home depot in the PVC aisle have to look a little bit for the rubber couplings


          • #6
            That looks cool and all, but I'm looking for actual instructions. I'm not so knowledged on doing engine work on that, though I'm sure it's small work, I still don't know much and am looking for step by step instructions. Still can't find any, only pictures...


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