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Missing power?!?

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  • Missing power?!?

    I was gonna name it "Where'd my Chirp go", but I wanted to make it abit easier to understand. Anyways, when I first got my Camaro, when I threw it into 2nd, I would easily chirp the tires. I was out driving around today, and I couldn't get them to chirp at all. When I got it, it came with a Magnaflow Cat-Back installed, and I've put a Moroso LT1 CAI and aluminum DS in it. Neither of those should have affected my low-end that much. The tires are balder now (had about 10K left on them, down to about 2K), so you'd think it would chirp even easier, or even break free in 2nd, but it doesn't. I just recently SeaFoamed it, and once I get the money will be getting new plugs and wires for it. I'm thinking it might be my clutch, but am not sure.....I want my chirp back :P

    1997 3.8L Camaro:
    Magnaflow Cat-Back
    Moroso LT1 CAI
    Aluminum DS
    ~97 3.8L V6 Camaro~
    A few things

    Only Member of Team Hooker?!?

  • #2
    Re: Missing power?!?

    If you're good at shifting, right as you are about to redline WITHOUT letting off the gas push the cluch in slam into 2nd and drop the clutch-do this all as fast as you can...I can break loose :D


    • #3
      Re: Missing power?!?

      Did some more searching and found my problem. Went out and tried wut you said and all I get is a couple of thumps in the rear AKA wheel hop :P Guess it's time for some new bushings
      ~97 3.8L V6 Camaro~
      A few things

      Only Member of Team Hooker?!?


      • #4
        Re: Missing power?!?

        Wow, you got wheel hop in the rear? That sounds kinda scary! Did you loose control at all? Like, did it feel like it was shifting from side to side whenever they were hopping.

        But anyways, why would you want to put that type of strain on your clutch and tranny just to get a little chirp? That's too much money to be messing around with just for a little chirp. Get one of your friends to do it in their car or listen for the birds in the morning if you want a chirp :)


        • #5
          Re: Missing power?!?

          Originally posted by Vanquish
          Wow, you got wheel hop in the rear? That sounds kinda scary! Did you loose control at all? Like, did it feel like it was shifting from side to side whenever they were hopping.

          But anyways, why would you want to put that type of strain on your clutch and tranny just to get a little chirp? That's too much money to be messing around with just for a little chirp. Get one of your friends to do it in their car or listen for the birds in the morning if you want a chirp :)
          cuz it's fun and none of my friends' cars can do it. I remember I got it to even chirp into 3rd once, that was kewl :P
          ~97 3.8L V6 Camaro~
          A few things

          Only Member of Team Hooker?!?


          • #6
            Re: Missing power?!?

            yeah sounds like it could be suspension related...


            • #7
              Re: Missing power?!?

              Well, definately change your bushings. And maybe even look into getting some new shocks :naughty: maybe some lowering springs while we are spending money.

              Then, depending on the last time you did a tune up on your car, I suggest doing a [B]full[B] tune up and see if your power changes any.


              • #8
                Re: Missing power?!?

                did a almost full tune up. Coolant is fresh, as is tranny fluid. just changed oil 500mi ago, and seafoamed right b4. And I have very very little cash to my name, so I'm just gonna change the bushings. In the future I'll probably get new RCA's, but until then......if everything works out the way I'm hoping, I should have it all by the end of this year.
                ~97 3.8L V6 Camaro~
                A few things

                Only Member of Team Hooker?!?


                • #9
                  Re: Missing power?!?

                  You say you changed your oil and then seafoamed your car.

                  Since then, have you changed your spark plugs? And also, since seafoaming it, how many times have you changed your oil?


                  • #10
                    Re: Missing power?!?

                    Originally posted by Vanquish
                    You say you changed your oil and then seafoamed your car.

                    Since then, have you changed your spark plugs? And also, since seafoaming it, how many times have you changed your oil?
                    I said I seafoamed right before. drive it to about 7K miles, seafoamed it, drove it another 93.8 miles, then changed the oil. Haven't done plugs yet because I'm that broke. Trying to get a job, and once I do the first thing I'm buying are plugs, wires, and probably bushings now.
                    ~97 3.8L V6 Camaro~
                    A few things

                    Only Member of Team Hooker?!?


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