V6 Camaro & Firebird Modification List (where to start and where to go from there) - FirebirdV6.com/CamaroV6.com Message Board


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V6 Camaro & Firebird Modification List (where to start and where to go from there)

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  • V6 Camaro & Firebird Modification List (where to start and where to go from there)

    I've decided to put together anything and everything possible about the V6 Fbody in one simple guide. First of all i would like to thank everyone who is involved with helping me make this guide for the rest of the members. For those who see something not included in this guide feel free to shoot me an email and i will add it as soon as i get a chance.

    Things covered in this guide will be everything from a complete bolt-on list, install guides, common acronyms,website links, repair guides to write ups on different products for the V6 F-body.
    Absolutely everything you can think of can and will be covered in this guide.

    **(to other forum mods id like to also put links to your stickies in here also if you dont mind. let me know if you want to be a part of it or not via email and we can go from there.)**

    please bare with me right now,im still getting information put together as i or other members find it, and will update anytime i get the chance to do so.


    ps- something you need to keep in mind while reading this and something that you need to understand, dont assume that all cars respond the same to modifications. THEY DONT. so please dont ask questions like, "how much power will this mod give me over this mod" or "is this going to give 10hp or 15hp?" we can give you a ballbark figure, but thats it. the only way to know the exact amount that each mod gives you is to get the car dyno'd.
    Last edited by vanbibber; 01-17-2010, 06:43 PM.

    current car- 95 Trans am- bolt ons, parked and collecting dust. why? because **** it

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  • #2

    ! - using this before an acronym means removal of that item from the vehicle (example: !EGR)
    1/4 - Quarter Mile (drag racing)
    1LE - Suspension Handling Package Option
    2WD - Two Wheel Drive
    4L60E - actual part name for the Automatic 4-speed transmission
    4WD - Four Wheel Drive
    700R4 - older generation 4-speed GM automatic transmission
    A4 - 4-speed automatic transmission
    A/F - Air Fuel Ratio
    AIR - Air Injection Recirculation (part of emissions system.)
    APHR - Adjustable Panhard Rod (Suspension)
    ASR - Camaro version of traction control
    ATF - Automatic Transmission Fluid
    ATI - Supercharger Company (Vendor)
    AWD - All Wheel Drive
    B4C - Police Package Option
    BBDC - Before Bottom Dead Center
    BDC - Bottom Dead Center
    BHP - Brake Horsepower
    BOV - Blow Off Valve (turbo related)
    B/O - Bolt-On Modifications
    BSM - Body Side Moulding - door ding guards on your doors.
    BTDC - Before Top Dead Center
    BTW - By The Way
    C4 - Fourth Generation Corvette (1992-1996)
    CAGS - Computer Assisted Gear Selection (the "skip-shift" on M6 cars.)
    CATS - Catalytic Converters (emissions/exhaust system)
    CAI - Cold Air Induction
    CI - Cubic Inches (engine displacement)
    CKP - Crankshaft Position (sensor)
    CMP - Camshaft Position (sensor)
    CONV/'vert - Convertible
    CR - Compression Ratio
    DEG - Degrees (timing or temperature)
    DRL - Daytime Running Lights
    DR's - Drag Radial Tires
    DSL - Driveshaft Safety Loop
    DTC - Diagnostic Trouble Code
    ECM - Engine Control Module
    ECL - Exhaust Lobe Center Line (camshaft)
    ECT - Engine Coolant Temperature (sensor)
    EGR - Exhaust Gas Recirculation (emissions system)
    EGT - Exhaust Gas Temperature
    E/T - Elapsed Time (drag racing time measurement)
    FAST - Fuel Air Spark Technology (Vendor)
    FBODY - GM chassis designation for Camaro/Firebird
    FI - Forced Induction (turbos, superchargers)
    FIPK - Fuel Injection Performance Kit (See K&N)
    FMIC - Front Mounted Intercooler (turbo))
    FMU - Fuel Management Unit
    FPR - Fuel Pressure Regulator
    FPSS - Fuel Pressure Safety Switch
    FRA - "Free Ram Air" modification
    FRC - Fuel Rail Covers
    FTRA - Fast Toys Ram Air (product)
    FWD - Front Wheel Drive
    FWIW - For What Its Worth
    GT - used instead of the ws6 from 93-96
    H/C - Heads and Camshaft
    HO2S - Heated Oxygen Sensor
    HP - Horsepower
    HPP3 - Hypertech Power Programmer 3 (product)
    IAC - Idle Air Control (solenoid)
    IAT - Intake Air Temperature (sensor)
    IC - Ignition Control Circuit
    ICL - Intake Lobe Center Line (camshaft)
    IGN - Ignition
    IMHO - In My Humble Opinion
    IRS - Independent Rear Suspension
    K&N - Brand name of air filter
    KR - Knock Retard (tuning)
    LCA - Lower Control Arm (suspension)
    LM - Loud Mouth (exhaust system by SLP)
    LMAO - Laughing My A** Off
    LOL - Laughing Out Loud
    LPE - Lingenfelter Performance Engineering (Vendor)
    LT1 - Generation 2 GM smallblock V8 engine (introduced 1992)
    LT4 - Generation 2 GM smallblock V8 engine (introduced 1996)
    LT5 - GM/Lotus/Mercury Marine joint collaboration project, DOHC 5.7L V8 engine found in the Corvette ZR-1 (introduced 1990)
    LS1 - GM 3rd Gen Small Block ( introduced 97 )
    LS2 - 6.0 3rd Gen Small Block ( introduced 04 )
    LS6 - C5 Z06 engine used
    LS7 - 427 Used in C6 Z06
    L36 - GM 3.8
    L32 - GM 3.4
    L67 - Supercharged GM 3.8
    L98 - 350 from the 3rd Gens
    LSA - Lobe Seperation Angle (camshaft)
    LSD - Limited Slip Differential
    LT - Long Tube Headers
    LTFT - Long Term Fuel Trim (tuning)
    LTRIM - Long Term Fuel Trim (tuning)
    M6 - 6-speed transmission
    MAF - Mass Air Flow sensor (measures amount of air entering intake)
    MAP - Manifold Absolute Pressure (sensor)
    MAFT - Mass Air Flow Translator (product)
    MN6 - Option code for factory 6-speed transimission.
    N/A - Naturally Aspirated (all-motor)
    N20 - Nitrous Oxide
    NBM - Navy Blue Metallic (color)
    NOS - Nitrous Oxide Systems (brand name)
    NWS - Not Work Safe (do not click link if you are at work, unsuitable material inside)
    O2 - Oxygen Sensor
    ORY - Off Road Y-pipe
    ORP - Off Road Pipe
    PCM - Powertrain Control Module (your vehicles engine/tranny computer)
    PCV - Positive Crankcase Ventilation (emissions system)
    PE - Power Enrichment (tuning)
    PHR - Panhard Rod (suspension)
    PITA - Pain In The A**
    P/P - Ported And Polished
    Posi - Another term for LSD
    QTEC - Quick Time Electric Cutout (product)
    QTP - Quick Time Performance (Vendor)
    RPM - Revolutions Per Minute (engine speed)
    RWD - Rear Wheel Drive
    RWHP - Rear Wheel Horsepower
    RWTQ - Rear Wheel Torque
    SAE - Society of Automotive Engineers
    SBC - Small Block Chevy engine
    SC - Super Charger
    SES - Service Engine Soon lamp (on dash)
    SFC - Subframe Connectors
    SLP - Street Legal Performance (Vendor)
    SOM - Sunset Orange Metallic (color)
    SOTP - Seat Of The Pants
    SS - Super Sport
    SSRA - Super Sucker Ram Air
    STB - Strut Tower Brace
    STFT - Short Term Fuel Trim (tuning)
    STRIM - Short Term Fuel Trim (tuning)
    T56 - actual part name for the M6 transmission
    TA - Trans Am
    TB - Throttle Body
    TBODY - Throttle Body
    TBRAKE - Transmission Brake
    TC - Torque Converter
    TCS - Firebird version of traction control
    TDC - Top Dead Center
    TFP - Transmission Fluid Pressure (switch/valve)
    TH350 - Turbo Hydromatic 3-speed automatic transmission
    TH400 - Heavy Duty Turbo Hydromatic 3-speed automatic transmission
    TNT - Texas Nitrous Technologies (Vendor)
    TP - Throttle Position
    TPS - Throttle Postion Sensor
    TQ - Torque
    TR - Thunder Racing (Vendor)
    TSP - Texas Speed & Performance (Vendor)
    TT - Twin Turbo
    TT2 - Torque Thrust 2 (type of wheels by American Racing)
    TTOP - T-Top roof
    TTT - "To The Top"
    UCA - Upper Control Arm (front suspension)
    VATS - Vehicle Anti-Theft System (the coded chip in your ignition key)
    VERT - Convertible
    VSS - Vehicle Speed Sensor
    WB O2 - Wide Band Oxygen Sensor
    WOT - Wide Open Throttle
    WS6 - Firebird Performance "Ram Air" Package (RPO code)
    W68 - V6 appearance package option
    WTB - Want To Buy
    WTT - Want To Trade
    WU8 - Camaro Performance SS Package (RPO code)
    YBODY - GM chassis designation for Corvette
    Y87- v6 upgade, POSI, v8 Rack & pinion, dual outlet exhaust.
    Z28 - Camaro equipped with V8 engine (RPO code)
    ZR1 - Corvette with LT5 motor, GM and Lotus joint project in the early 90s

    current car- 95 Trans am- bolt ons, parked and collecting dust. why? because **** it

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    • #3
      *this list is not completed yet there are more out there*






















      Online replacement parts catalogs


      Last edited by LETZRIDE; 05-22-2020, 10:44 PM.

      current car- 95 Trans am- bolt ons, parked and collecting dust. why? because **** it

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      • #4
        F-Body basic model comparsion


        Camaro - Base v6- 3.4L V6 from 1993 to 1995 1/2 and 1995 1/2 to 2002 came with the 3.8L V6 (RS is an option available in certain years and had the Y87 performance package) the V6 came equipped with either the electronically controlled 4 speed automatic transmission known as the 4L60E or the T-5, better known as the 5-speed Manual Transmission.

        Camaro Z28 - same body as v6, but upgraded suspension, and the v8 drivetrain. (V8 drivetrains were as follows 93-97 had the LT1 and some 97s had LT4s and 98-02 had the LS1. Later year Fbodies had LS6 intakes and better Exhaust manifolds. both could be had with T56 6speeds. 93s had M28 and M29 6speeds)

        Camaro SS - Appearance upgades, suspension upgrades and v8 drivetrain *produced by SLP. (same as above for engine and tranny specs)


        Firebird - base v6 (Y87 performance package and W68 sport appearance package was available for most years) *see information for V6 Camaro above*

        Firebird Formula - v6 body with v8 drivetrain (see Camaro Z28 above for more information)

        Trans Am - V8 drivetrain, suspension upgrades, apperance changes (same as above)

        Firebawk - Apperance upgrades, suspension upgades and v8 drivetrain produced by SLP.

        Base V6 horsepower numbers:

        *these are flywheel numbers. not what is actually put to the ground on a dynometer*

        3.4L V6- 160hp @ 4500rpm and 200tq @ 3500rpm

        3.8L V6- 200hp @ 5200rpm and 225tq @ 4000rpm

        Engine Specs:

        General Information by model year:

        Rear end Gear codes are as follows:

        GU2=2.73- v8 only
        GU4=3.08- open differential(means no lsd)

        [ February 22, 2006, 04:58 AM: Message edited by: vanbibber ]
        Last edited by vanbibber; 05-20-2007, 03:16 PM.

        current car- 95 Trans am- bolt ons, parked and collecting dust. why? because **** it

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        • #5
          Bolt on list

          Intake: increases the air flow that comes into the engine, which increases horsepower and tourqe.

          K&N FIPK (FIPK stands for Fuel Injecton Performance Kit)
          SLP CAI
          Lingenfelter Super tube CAI
          Whisper Lid (only available for the 3.8L)

          there are also Ram air kits availabe for both the 3.4L and the 3.8L

          Exhaust: increases the air flow that exits the engine and goes hand and hand with Intake modifications. by going to a aftermarket catback exhuast system your car should see nice HP and TQ gains along with a little bit better fuel economy.

          for more information about exhaust: https://www.camarov6.com/forum/techn...-pressure-myth

          Catbacks: an aftermarket exhaust system that replaces the stock exhaust from the Cat converter on back to the muffler and tips.

          SLP - Loudmouth I and Loudmouth II, Two on the Left (2OTL)
          Pacesetter TFX catback
          Texas Speed & Performance Rumbler catback
          Hooker Catback
          Flo pro catback

          for sound clips of exhausts:

          Headers: headers futher increase the flow of exhaust, the end result is once again more HP and TQ. Headers replace the stock exhaust manifolds. *please note that later year 3.8L(2000 thru 2002) fbodies came with much better flowing tubular exhaust manifolds, and headers wont provide much more performance over the stock manifolds.*

          RK Sport Headers - available for 3.4L and 3.8L applications.
          Pacesetter Headers- also available for the 3.4L and 3.8L
          Clear Image Headers

          High flow-cat converters: high flow cats replace the stock catalytic converter to increase exhaust flow.

          Carsound cats
          Catco cats
          Random Technology cats


          Sub-Frame Connectors: Tube'd or Box'd versions that connect the front section of the car's frame to the rear section of the car's frame providing a more stable and tighter handling ride.

          Sway Bar Kits: Keeps the car from "rolling" in the turns.

          Torque Arm: One end connects to the rear end of the transmission and the other connects to the Rear End housing. Helps keep the car planted without robbing the car of Tq and HP.

          Lower Control Arms: Connects the axle to the rear subframe. Aftermarket LCA's replace the stock stamped steel. LCA's with more solid/rigid units that are generaly bought to greatly enhance straight line performance. Generally used to eliminate wheel-hop as well.

          Panhard Rod: Used to align the rear end once the car has been lowered or heavily modified suspension wise. Greatly increases the cornering stability and helps keep the back end of the car centered under hard cornering situations.

          for a more in depth look on suspension see:




          Gears: changing the rear end gears can greatly increase your vehicles acceleration but will slightly reduce your top speed.

          GM, Richmond, Motive

          Limited Slip differentials: (LSD)

          Zexle -Torsen LSD
          Aubun LSD
          EATON posi

          for more information about LSD:


          Transmission upgrades:


          Shift kits: shift kits firm up the shifts of the transmission. they do not add horsepower but will help inprove quatermile times a small bit. the down side to shift kits are that they will in most cases decrease the life span of your transmission due to increasing the line pressure for the transmission.

          B & M Shift Improver kit
          TransGo Shift Impover kit

          What is a stall?by a member here by the name of husker:

          Automatic cars have no clutch to disconnect the engine from the transmission, so a torque converter lets the engine continue to rotate while the gears and wheels stop.

          A torque converter is a fluid coupling, which allows the engine to spin somewhat independently of the transmission. If the engine is turning slowly, such as when the car is idling at a stoplight, the amount of torque passed through the torque converter is very small, so keeping the car still requires only a light pressure on the brake pedal.

          If you were to step on the gas pedal while the car is stopped, you would have to press harder on the brake to keep the car from moving. This is because when you step on the gas, the engine speeds up and pumps more fluid into the torque converter, causing more torque to be transmitted to the wheels.

          The housing of the torque converter is bolted to the flywheel of the engine, so it turns at whatever speed the engine is running at. The fins that make up the pump of the torque converter are attached to the housing, so they also turn at the same speed as the engine.

          The pump inside a torque converter is a type of centrifugal pump. As it spins, fluid is flung to the outside, much as the spin cycle of a washing machine flings water and clothes to the outside of the wash tub. As fluid is flung to the outside, a vacuum is created that draws more fluid in at the center.

          The fluid then enters the blades of the turbine, which is connected to the transmission. The turbine causes the transmission to spin, which basically moves your car. This means that the fluid, which enters the turbine from the outside, has to change direction before it exits the center of the turbine. It is this directional change that causes the turbine to spin.

          Stall is the speed (engine rpm) at which the fluid is being forced to spin the turbine at such a pressure that it essentally locks the engine to the transmission gears. If the tranny gears (and wheels) are not allowed to spin, the engine will stall.

          Torque converters with a higher stall will allow the engine to rev higher before launching the car. The higher an engine revs, the more horsepower it generates (to a point), so if an engine is allowed to rev higher before forcing that power to the road, the more power is delivered.

          You can also think of it the same way as a manual tranny with a clutch. The higher you rev the engine before feathering the clutch (or dumping it) the more horsepower is put to the road.

          check this site out for more info about Stall converters: http://auto.howstuffworks.com/torque-converter.htm


          Short throw shifters:

          Hurst short throw shifter
          B&M Ripper shifter
          Pro 5.0
          lous short stick

          SPEC- stages 1-5
          Centerforce- stage I and II

          SPEC aluminum flywheel

          manual fan switches
          slp manual fan switch
          Last edited by LETZRIDE; 09-26-2018, 08:42 PM.

          current car- 95 Trans am- bolt ons, parked and collecting dust. why? because **** it

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          • #6
            Heads and cams

            The Ultimate Cam and Heads bible:

            Engine Part Numbers:

            Really Advanced Cylinder Head Research. Good Reading:

            and for you 3.4 guys and gals: insight into the 3.4 RWD motor and 3100/3400 head swap:


            check out the Hardcore Engine forum for additional information on heads,cams,fuel injectors etc. if you have questions about heads and cams that is the place, the moderators are very knowledgeable guys and there are plenty of other members that are full of wisdom on this subject also.
            Last edited by LETZRIDE; 09-26-2018, 08:43 PM.

            current car- 95 Trans am- bolt ons, parked and collecting dust. why? because **** it

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            • #7
              Forced Induction

              Forced Induction Guide:


              Everything you need to know about swapping in an M90 onto your 3.8L: https://www.camarov6.com/forum/techn...0-your-4th-gen



              also check out the FI forum for other info.

              check the stickies at the top of the page to see what kind of superchargers and turbo kits some of our members are running.
              Last edited by LETZRIDE; 09-26-2018, 08:43 PM.

              current car- 95 Trans am- bolt ons, parked and collecting dust. why? because **** it

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              • #8
                Re: V6 MODIFICATION GUIDE!!!! NEWBS READ


                If you are new to Nitrous read here:


                Nitrous properties and data:


                The Nitrous bible:


                Nitrous system install Instructions- Read here first:


                What kits are our members running? check it out here!:


                got questions? post them up in the nitrous section! someone can help you get set up with the right kit and supporting mods.
                Last edited by LETZRIDE; 09-26-2018, 08:44 PM.

                current car- 95 Trans am- bolt ons, parked and collecting dust. why? because **** it

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                • #9
                  Re: V6 MODIFICATION GUIDE!!!! NEWBS READ

                  alright all the links should be working now. if not email me and ill fix them. i added a few small things also.
                  i should be adding a ton of other things here soon also so keep an eye out for it.

                  current car- 95 Trans am- bolt ons, parked and collecting dust. why? because **** it

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                  • #10
                    Re: v6 mod info

                    im opening this sticky back up, got info? come on with it. make it readable please, i dont have time to baby sit it 24/7, but i will clear out all the crap daily/weekly so keep the info relevant and useful. otherwise it'll get deleted. ive been out of the v6 world for a while so i havent kept up with things as much as i used to, so here's everyones chance to contribute to it. hell who knows maybe some new members will come out of the wood works. this place could use some new blood.

                    also, if its 5th gen specific, please state it. ill go thru and pull the info together for 5th gens at some point and make it look pretty.

                    current car- 95 Trans am- bolt ons, parked and collecting dust. why? because **** it

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                    • #11
                      Re: v6 mod info

                      Great topic, thanks so much camarov6.com


                      • #12
                        Re: v6 mod info

                        Roger sure had a lot of time in hands back then.


                        • #13
                          Re: v6 mod info

                          Yea I had all the time in the world and 15-20 people helping me get stuff together. we're lucky to get 15 people to post here in a month now. i wanted to build on this but with the lack of any admins hardly at all anymore, it feels like it'd be a huge waste of time to do it just to see it disappear when he decided to stop paying the bills on it finally. :poke:

                          current car- 95 Trans am- bolt ons, parked and collecting dust. why? because **** it

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                          • #14
                            bump it up. 5th and 6th gen folks... time to step up to the plate and start helping me with getting things current. give me lists of mods, manufacturers, youtube how to vids, everything you got. all hands on deck!

                            current car- 95 Trans am- bolt ons, parked and collecting dust. why? because **** it

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                            • #15
                              I'm getting "404 page not found' errors on every link i clicked in this thread.


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