!!Veredict I swear, there should be a special section for seafoam. EKKK! *UPDATE* - FirebirdV6.com/CamaroV6.com Message Board


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!!Veredict I swear, there should be a special section for seafoam. EKKK! *UPDATE*

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  • !!Veredict I swear, there should be a special section for seafoam. EKKK! *UPDATE*

    So I seafoamed, pulled the booster line, poured like half in pretty slowly.

    Car almost stalled near the end, so I just turned it off.

    Started it up, no smoke, touched the gas, and suddenly its smoking a cigar.

    Alright everything is as planned thus far.

    Take it for a drive, its alright, then about 3 miles into it is starts missing... BAD... like I thought I wasnt gonna get home kinda bad. I must have pop started that thing at least 4 times going like 45 and not even known it, cause the RPM guage was ALL over the place.

    So I figure, misfire, yeah ok, either plugs or the O2 sensors.

    I chnage the plugs, and it starts up fine, but then as soon as I apply any gas, it starts missing again. And now it won't even start =(


    [ December 22, 2005, 12:03 PM: Message edited by: mwh27 ]

  • #2
    Check the plugs again? Oxygen sensors wouldn't keep it from starting like that.

    Hopefully we'll be able to help you without this thread being locked.
    1998 Mystic Teal Camaro M5
    Whisper Lid, Pacesetter Headers, Catco Cat, Dynomax Super Turbo, B&M Shifter, BMR STB, LSD, P&P Intakes, GT2 Cam, Comp OE Lifters, 1.7 Roller Rockers, Pushrods, SSM Heads, DHP PowrTuner.


    • #3
      why would it be locked???


      • #4

        Well it runs now, It just has such erratic response.

        It will idle just fine, but when I start to get on it, it gets pissed at me and starts to miss.

        If I take it above around 2.5k it starts to miss, but only when in gear, cause it will rev to 4k in netural just fine.

        The plugs are brandy new, and gapped properly =)

        I kinda hope its my O2 sensor. I mean, I expected the car to spit and miss a LITTLE bit after using this stuff, but its to the point where I pulled over onto a residential road, and someone stopped asking if I need a ride to a shop, cause it's that bad.



        • #5
          hm, this is weird. this morning, my dads car was doing something kind of simlair. he started it, idled fine, we went to leave and it wouldnt go over 20mph. it would just stumble/buck. if he went WOT it just got worse. stalled 3 times. NO check engine soon light. do you have one? so we thought, fuel filter ( car has 120K ) so we changed that, sea foamed it and started it. still idled fine but wouldnt go above 30 ( little better ). he got mad and told me take it up and down the road a few times. well after a few half throttle then WOT runs its fine now.

          so, when did you get gas, and where? how are your plugs and plug wires? do you have a SES light? how many miles are on the car? my dads car wouldnt rev in neutral but you said yours will. kinda different but still simliar.
          1998 bright red camaro ,M5 ,Y87 ,stock<br /><br />Originally posted by Rune:<br />If it smells like a turd and looks like a turd, chances are its probably not a candy bar.


          • #6

            I got gas last night, but I didn't put any additives in it. 93 pump Mobile.

            Wires have 25k on them, plugs have about 20? miles on them.

            I have a 94, I've never seen a SES light.

            54k miles.


            • #7
              check wires and check for a cracked plug also
              1997 3800 Series II Camaro
              4600 Stall for my ride to the mall :chug:
              7.18 @ 99.77 1/8 -1.8x sixty (current quickest v6 fbod)
              11.23 @ unk 5 1/4 - 7.19 1/8 - 1.83 sixty


              • #8
                Ok, So here is what has happened latly to it.

                I go to start it, turns right over, idles very smooth.

                Let it sit for 5 min, all of a sudden, its poping and missing under 1k like crazy, it jumps to like 2k, then comes back down to idle.

                I TAP, like I just blow on the gas pedal, and it starts going under 1k and fighting to stay on.

                Eventually dies, I wait a min or 2, turn over it farts and misses, then dies. Then it gets to a point where it just wont turn on.


                Goto the pub, come back like 2 hours later.

                Fires right up, I get it to like 4k then smoke starts pouring out like it did before, and it always smells like Seafoam.

                So at this point, I figure that I just have sooooo much **** in my engine that not all of it is out? But what am I suppose to do, just keep effin with this till all of it is burned out, while in the mean time I cant drive my car anywhere?

                I guess i'll drop $50 and get 2 new O2 sensors tommorow and see if that helps, but IDK what else to do?


                • #9
                  hmmmm...maybe you broke loose a big peice of carbon or something and it lodged behind one of your valves preventing it from closing all the way which means low to no compression and a miss.
                  2000 3.8 A4 Pewter Camaro


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by mwh27:
                    Fires right up, I get it to like 4k then smoke starts pouring out like it did before, and it always smells like Seafoam.
                    Can you just keep it at 3K or will it die? Try to just rev it up a bit and let the stuff work its way out. If it's still smoking like that, I would guess there's still Seafoam in there.
                    1998 Mystic Teal Camaro M5
                    Whisper Lid, Pacesetter Headers, Catco Cat, Dynomax Super Turbo, B&M Shifter, BMR STB, LSD, P&P Intakes, GT2 Cam, Comp OE Lifters, 1.7 Roller Rockers, Pushrods, SSM Heads, DHP PowrTuner.


                    • #11

                      Yeah, I can get it to 3k or even 4k sometimes. Usually when it's cold, but then, anything goes. I should really take a video of my tach, cause its ALL over the place;

                      BLLDOGG: But it purrs when I idle, and the values always open the same amount right......?

                      Please just tell me its the O2 sensors....


                      • #12
                        you right, i must have let that slip my mind.
                        2000 3.8 A4 Pewter Camaro


                        • #13
                          If it's still smoking, there's gotta be Seafoam in there. I'd just try to keep the car running to get it all out.

                          I'm not real up to speed on 3.4s, but the oxygen sensors aren't even used when the car starts up. It takes several minutes before they're taken into consideration.
                          1998 Mystic Teal Camaro M5
                          Whisper Lid, Pacesetter Headers, Catco Cat, Dynomax Super Turbo, B&M Shifter, BMR STB, LSD, P&P Intakes, GT2 Cam, Comp OE Lifters, 1.7 Roller Rockers, Pushrods, SSM Heads, DHP PowrTuner.


                          • #14
                            i know that with closed loop, the sensors arent taken into consideration but i didnt realize there was a time period during any start up. is that like a self check thing?

                            there really should be a sticky for seafoam. this is so many topics about it. i would love to see detailed step by step instructions, pictures from all the posts and links to good useful posts about people experiences and what to expect.
                            2000 3.8 A4 Pewter Camaro


                            • #15
                              On a side note, would a OBD1 scanner help this situation?

                              If so, can I home brew something with a RS232 cable?

                              I plan to take a video of this situation tommorow morning, and post it.

                              PS: I also found that Camaro watch that I mentioned a long time ago =)


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