Car stutters/surges, and is getting worse - Message Board


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Car stutters/surges, and is getting worse

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  • Car stutters/surges, and is getting worse

    So, I have a 2000 Firebird with 75,000 miles. Recently, it has started stuttering and surging, feeling like a misfire or something like that. My cat it 60,000miles old, but I am guessing from the posts that I searched that plugs and wires are more likely an issue. It occurs equally in forward or reverse gears, worse at low speeds, or on heavy acceleration. At first, the noise was more of a silence from the exhaust, followed by a tiny lag in power. Now, the engine seems like it is constantly struggling to accelerate in any meaningful way. The rpm's dance a little at idle, and the problem has went from nothing to severe in about one week... though I have driven about 1200 miles this week. Any further insight? Also, what would an honest mechanic charge for repairs? Thanks!


    P.S. It's good to be back on the board. It's been about 3 years since I got on here. =)

    Last edited by Justin.Kirkham; 03-30-2007, 12:58 AM. Reason: Update

  • #2
    Re: Car stutters/surges, and is getting worse

    I have a 3.8 with 82K miles and its a 2000. I would suggest you check out the fuel filter, air filter.


    • #3
      Re: Car stutters/surges, and is getting worse

      I agree, I would check the fuel filter and if that doesn't do it, you may need to have a diagnostic done. I had one of my sensors go bad and it did the same thing you are describing only mine would stall completely. It sucks, doesn't it?


      • #4
        Re: Car stutters/surges, and is getting worse

        How much does a fuel filter cost? It is an easy install?



        • #5
          Re: Car stutters/surges, and is getting worse

          Originally posted by Justin.Kirkham
          How much does a fuel filter cost? It is an easy install?

          like 15-20 bucks if that. idk how easy it is on are cars havent done it on mine yet be any other car i have done it on its just two bolts one on each side of the filter but be sure to be care not to mess up the threads otherwise u will end up having to replace ur fuel lines had a guy in class that did that the other day on his teacher car no good.


          • #6
            Re: Car stutters/surges, and is getting worse

            Fuel Injector

            Sounds like when I had a bad fuel injector
            1999 Camaro Z/28
            1973 Firebird Formula


            • #7
              Re: Car stutters/surges, and is getting worse

              Could also be an Ignition Coil. Have you gotten an SES light yet? Your symptoms sound like what I just went through with a 99. We got the SES light though, got it scanned by Autozone and was cylinder 6 misfiring. I changed the 3/6 coil for $20 and problem was fixed.


              • #8
                Re: Car stutters/surges, and is getting worse

                Any other thoughts? So it seems fuel related to you guys? ((No SES lights.))



                • #9
                  Re: Car stutters/surges, and is getting worse

                  Things to check:

                  Fuel filter
                  Air Filter
                  Coil packs (test w/ an ohm meter)
                  Ignition Module (Take to autozone, they can test it)
                  2000 v6 a4 Camaro


                  • #10
                    Re: Car stutters/surges, and is getting worse

                    I had the same thing, check for corrosion where the plug wires hook onto the coils. I replaced plugs and wires, cleaned the corrosion off with some sand paper and its run great ever since. I tried fuel filter and all that first.


                    • #11
                      Re: Car stutters/surges, and is getting worse - Update 1

                      So... It finally threw the SES light, so I went and checked it at Autozone. It had two codes for a cylinder 3 misfire. So, I replaced the plug and wire for three. It went away... for two drives... then it came back... so I scrubbed the coil terminals, used some electric cleaner spray from autozone, and the studder/surging continues. Also, I noticed tonight that when it studdered badly, the lights dimmed a lot and the battery voltage dropped 4 volts or so.... so is that the coil pack? Alternator? Some illumination would be greatly appreciated.



                      • #12
                        Re: Car stutters/surges, and is getting worse - Update 1

                        Thats the same symptoms i had. I would say most likely the coil packs. Luckily thats a cheap part to replace. If you have an ohm meter, you can check to see if its good. A haynes manual has the values at the beginning of one of the chapters that you should look for. I would tell you but I dont have my manual at school with me. Otherwise, pull the cylinder 3 plug wire off the coil, and start the car. You should hear a sparking noise by the coil when the car is running. If not, then the coil is bad. I used both ways to check mine, and both were reliable in testing. Once I replaced my coil, my misfire went away and its been fine since.
                        2000 v6 a4 Camaro


                        • #13
                          Re: Car stutters/surges, and is getting worse

                          So, I replaced all the plugs and wires, and the coil pack for the cylinder that was misfiring..... and as long as I don't put the screw near the engine in, it works just fine now. I don't understand it, but my car isn't misfiring anymore. =)

                          Last edited by Justin.Kirkham; 03-31-2007, 03:12 AM.


                          • #14
                            Re: Car stutters/surges, and is getting worse

                            Originally posted by Justin.Kirkham
                            So, I replaced all the plugs and wires, and the coil pack for the cylinder that was misfiring..... and as long as I don't put the screw near the engine in, it works just fine now. I don't understand it, but my car isn't misfiring anymore. =)

                            what do you mean the screw near the engine?
                            2000 v6 a4 Camaro


                            • #15
                              Re: Car stutters/surges, and is getting worse

                              If you face the rear of the car, he is referring to the bolt on the left side that secures the pack to the ICM (right acronym?) I would swap pack with bolts and all to see if problem follows. If it does the bolt is shorting out to the pack, if it doesn't it's shorting out to the ICM.


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