So, was driving on the road Saterday night round 10:30 doing about 50mph geting ready to get up on the express way. I was following a civic (a lil too closely) when all of a sudden I catch a glimpse of a piece of metal fly out from under the car. Then BAM i hit it and think "Man....Now I need to pull over and check." Bout that time i smelled fuel. So I thought "Great, just screwed up my car....!!!!" and hit the steering wheel. Well the horn didn't like that so it stayed on. Then my engine sputtered and died. SO my horn is blaring as I go under the Highway and I'm really ticked so I punched it... and to my surprise and joy it stops blaring. I get out to look and sure enough, i see fuel streaming out from under my car. So i ended up getting it towed to the house and my dad and I fixed it. The fuel lines are just cheap plastic...So we put on some heaveir fuel line with nice clamps. What i tought might have been a costly repair was only bout 2.50 for the clamps.
Here's the gash in the line. Pics are kinda blurry, but you can clearly see the gash caused by the metal object....

Oh ya, car's been running good since we fixed it on Sunday.
Here's the gash in the line. Pics are kinda blurry, but you can clearly see the gash caused by the metal object....

Oh ya, car's been running good since we fixed it on Sunday.