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  • #16
    <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by StudlyCamaro:

    W3rd, or pack the manifold and fuel lines with dry ice

    you pack that nice n toasty manifold with dry ice, the temp difference is gunna crack it... i wouldnt advise it... :(
    99\' Camaro v6 T5- SOLD<br />2004 VW Golf TDI


    • #17
      hehe I already let the car sit too cool before runs, kinda have to with no belt.

      also I already ice the intake that is fine enough for cooling the intake...

      I jsut don't like stripped cars...

      You cannot rally compare puling a belt to no seats...

      I can take my belt off run my car, get slip, back in staging lanes and put the belt on in less then the time it takes for me to remove 1 seat.

      And yes I have removed camaro seats a few times before... As for weight reduction just not a huge fan of it.


      • #18
        i see your post but recommend removing all teh seats and stuff...mine feels noticebly quicker when i remove all that stuff...i also cut my Y-pipe open like you and if felt like a turd but I havent tried it at the track yet, teh way it felt im almost leary of even spending the time to open it??
        <b>Black</b> 1998 Pontiac <i>Firebird</i> A-4 swap<br />271.4rwhp/259.4rwtq NA<br />13.30@102.44 <br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>


        • #19
          <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by MustangEater8251:
          hehe I already let the car sit too cool before runs, kinda have to with no belt.

          also I already ice the intake that is fine enough for cooling the intake...

          I jsut don't like stripped cars...

          You cannot rally compare puling a belt to no seats...

          I can take my belt off run my car, get slip, back in staging lanes and put the belt on in less then the time it takes for me to remove 1 seat.

          And yes I have removed camaro seats a few times before... As for weight reduction just not a huge fan of it.
          however if you want real to life times, taking the belt off is crazy compared to removing the back seats... i havnt had back seats in at least 2 years... and my car is my daily driver.. try driving anywhere without a belt... you arent gonna get very far, and im sure taking the back seat out isnt nearly as ET reducing as removing the belt (im just trying to get you to see my point of view, feel free to dissagree)
          -Aaron, AKA ATL2001<br />93 3.4L <br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>


          • #20
            wouldnt hurt to let me take it for a spin down the a leightweight and I shift hella fast!!
            Past Ride
            1995 Firebird A4 3.8 Turbocharged -- 12.50 at 108
            (If you dont know me, you haven't had a V6 long enough)

            Current Ride
            2006 Mitsubishi Evolution GSR



            • #21
              My old car had a usually non-functional* backseat I ahve it back and I liked it

              *I kept it in there because autocrossing rules required it, but the back peice was unbolted, I woudl lift it and put it in the hatch over the rear wheels at the strip.

              One of the reasons my old car went to ****, was because I fiddled with the interior alot, its not that big of a gain... granted it might give me a 14.4, but tome not worth the trouble.


              • #22
                what if you buy another spare tire and use the spares in front instead of your stock wheels? They're smaller, weigh less. Just an idea.
                Ben<br /><br />1995 White/Black 3.4L<br />As far away from stock as possible<br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">My Site!!!</a><br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">RedLineV6</a><br />Rebuild and 3.4 T70 Turbo is complete<br />Details to come....


                • #23
                  <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by White95:
                  what if you buy another spare tire and use the spares in front instead of your stock wheels? They're smaller, weigh less. Just an idea.<hr></blockquote>

                  Already thought of that, tech wouldn't let me pass through...

                  but they let deathtraps of cars go through but I cannot run skinnnies.


                  • #24
                    the spare tire would be unsafe as a skinny and plus they are very heavy, its a steel rim.
                    2005 Cavalier LS Sport M5<br /> <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>


                    • #25
                      MustangEater, have you done the highest octaine gas you can get (93?) and added octaine booster at all?


                      • #26
                        Steal a turbo or a v8 ha ha.
                        96 Camaro 3.8 A4 Basemodel: 8 mm wires, Shift Kit, Hollowed <br />Cat(o2 sims), RKSport exhaust, IAT 5.6K resistor, Home Depot CAI<br />&gt;&gt;&gt;15.375 @ 89.27&lt;&lt;&lt;NEW BEST TIME <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>


                        • #27
                          The hell with octane booster. Add just a smidge of white gas to a tank....
                          (added about 4 oz to a tank with my truck when I drove from Washington State to California).
                          <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Sinister Six</a> <br /><b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Cardomain</a></b><br />--This doesn\'t change the fact that I am ~The Guru~ who still kicks puppies...


                          • #28
                            airplane fuel? ask someone for intake gaskets. they are free for you and then you can port your intake. also try this stuff called restore. it works great and has given friends of mine noticable restored horsepower. cut what you can from the intake. inflate your front tires an extra 15 psi so you will have less surface area hitting the ground and there will be less drag.
                            96 Camaro 3.8 A4 Basemodel: 8 mm wires, Shift Kit, Hollowed <br />Cat(o2 sims), RKSport exhaust, IAT 5.6K resistor, Home Depot CAI<br />&gt;&gt;&gt;15.375 @ 89.27&lt;&lt;&lt;NEW BEST TIME <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>


                            • #29
                              <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Ian:
                              MustangEater, have you done the highest octaine gas you can get (93?) and added octaine booster at all?<hr></blockquote>

                              Inform me why you would want to do that on our engine.

                              I imagine it would do more harm than good.
                              1997 Camaro 30th Anniversary...M5, chrome 16\" 5-stars Goodyear 245/50R16<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>


                              • #30
                                <blockquote>quote:</font><hr> airplane fuel? <hr></blockquote>

                                AIrplane fuel has a crap load of lead in it. The stuff I use is 100octane with lead. Regular automotive race gas would be way better than putting airplane fuel in a fuel injected engine.

                                deflate your rear tires to about 14 psi. THat helps me out a lot with traction.

                                [ January 18, 2004: Message edited by: malice10985 ]</p>
                                1999 red camaro v6 M5: with a turbo<br />13.52@107.99<br />No, seriously: Who Farted? <br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>


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