The car has a little trouble starting. If I don't give it gas when I start the car, it will die. I can drive the car fine under normal acceleration, but when the car idles, it is very rough, especially when I let off the brake and idle foward. When I do this, the car shakes and sputters. This just started happening today. The SES light is not on. I had my wires and plugs replaced 9k miles ago. The plugs are Bosch Platinum +2's, so I think maybe they got too hot. I'm just going to replace the plugs and wires tommorow with AC Delco products.
But if it is not the plugs or wires, the next step would be coil packs, right? How much are these and how hard are they to replace?
But if it is not the plugs or wires, the next step would be coil packs, right? How much are these and how hard are they to replace?
