Weird scraping sound from the rear. LOST - Message Board


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Weird scraping sound from the rear. LOST

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  • Weird scraping sound from the rear. LOST

    Ok, so the other night, I raced an LS1 Z28 (he absolutly OWNED me, no contest whatsoever) and I notice now, when I launch, there is this weird scraping type of noise coming from the rear. You can only hear it inside the car, and when going from neutral to 1st going uphill or when I launch hard. It sounds sort of like tires rubbing.

    I notice no change in performance when driving the car normally. What could this possibly be? I'm all bummed out because I got a G Tech Pro today and only ran a 16.88 @ 85MPH because I was afraid to really get on it thinking I might screw something up.

    What should I look for? Anyone else have this happen to them?

  • #2
    Well if your car sounds like it's a train on raisl like mine does it's your drum brakes scraping and not working right.


    • #3
      Probably where that LS1 took a bite out of your A$$ that was dragging.


      • #4
        Not to alarm you, but it could also be the bearings in the rear end. Jack the rear of the car up, both wheels off the ground. Try to push in or pull out on the rear wheels. There should be no in and out play, if there is, time for a rebuild.
        97 Silver Bird<br />3.8 M5 Bone Stock Engine<br />15.528 @ 88.96 bone stock<br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>


        • #5
          <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>I got a G Tech Pro today and only ran a 16.88 @ 85MPH because I was afraid to really get on it thinking I might screw something up.

          PLEASE tell me you were in the 85. Do you have a posi rear on the car? if so, it might be dying. way back in 96, when I was @ Dyess AFB, someone in my shop got a brand new Z28 & the rear started making the rear sound. took it back 3 times to dealer before they replaced whole axle due to problems w/the posi. just something elde to roll around in the back o that mind of yours ;)

          edit: you also mentioned "tire rubbing". check & see if one of your shocks didn't bite it

          [ January 08, 2003: Message edited by: 3.4 slow to go ]</p>
          1978 Formula 461 in progress of being built :rock:
          2013 Ram 1500 Big Horn

          former owner of 85 bird w/ 2.8 - 3.4 - 3800 II - 5.0
          94 comero 3.4


          • #6
            check to make sure nothing is rubbing on the driveshaft.
            `94 Ford Mustang dark green coupe 5spd<br />GO BUCKS, MICHIGAN SUCKS!!!<br />Bucks 26 - UM 20


            • #7
              if you've got the time you may want to open up the rear diff housing and check to make sure you didn't screw up the gears (check for metal shavings in the fluid). That's just what I would do.

              [ January 09, 2003: Message edited by: SCv6 ]</p>
              1998 V6 m5<br />ram air mod<br />(the sc is for south carolina not super charged but maybe that will change)<p>\"Thank the Lord for air tools\"


              • #8
                It might be the Pinion Bearing in the rear end. Does the sound go away when you coast. Is it a 5 speed? If it is, putting in the clutch should get rid of the noise and letting it out should bring it back. If this happens, it's probably the Pinion bearing. I had that problem this summer. I was driving down the freeway and all of the sudden, BAM!. Grinding noise from the rear. Had to do a rebuild on it. It still whines because I didn't get the Pinion Depth set perfectly. A project for next summer I guess. Runs for now though. Good Luck


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