Ok first off please dont move this topic. I know it belongs else where, but most people only vist general tech and i have been talking about this a long time here already. Ok so yesterday i installed one new driver side sturt and drive side front Z28 spring. It took me all day from 10am-5pm. [img]graemlins/rant.gif[/img] Today Saturday i installed right hand new strut and Z28 spring, it only took about an hour, i was so releaved. I also installed rear air shocks in about 30 mins and tied the airline under the car in about another 20 mins. Most of you guys told me my car would not handle well and would be very bumpy. Well im going to tell you what i have found out. As a finised project the car is about 1.5 - 2 inchs higher then started with. THE RIDE IS GREAT! I used to tap on the brakes an the front of the car would drop, NO MORE. I used to put 50 pounds in the trunk and the car would squat, NO MORE. I used to come in or out of our drive way and the car would drag its nose, NO MORE. Turning the car would lean into the turn, NO MORE. Its great, i highly recommond it for every one. The car is even less noisy when driving. I have my old front springs for sale, if anyone needs them. I will post pics here later. http://spaces.msn.com/members/Bobbyz...hbmRsZXI%24&_c 11_PhotoAlbum_spaFolderID=cns!1pVq4VczLi7Wl2sQK8ii 8ogg!145&_c11_PhotoAlbum_spaNumPhotos=6&_c11_Photo Album_spaPreviousImageID=&_c11_PhotoAlbum_spaPrevi ousImageIndex=-1&_c11_PhotoAlb um_spaMoveForward=1&_c11_PhotoAlbum_spaPlayState=0 &_c=PhotoAlbum [img]graemlins/banana.gif[/img]
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Project Car Lift
Project Car Lift
<a href=\"http://www.cardomain.com/ride/2245261\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.cardomain.com/ride/2245261</a> Green 1997, 105k, all stock except for Z28 front springs, Air shocks in the rear, home made coolant recovery tank, home made battery hold down.Tags: None
Yes its kinda high, if you measure from the ground up, through whe middle of the wheel, when you hit the paint it 29" in the front and 30" in the rear. Yes i like, no more hittin my nose, or bottoming out. I like the ride also. Yes...lol every part of my car is a diffrent shade of green. I was going to get it painted about a month ago but im glad i didnt because i put a few scratchs on the drivers side when doing the strut. I plan on painting it in about a month. [img]graemlins/rock.gif[/img]<a href=\"http://www.cardomain.com/ride/2245261\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.cardomain.com/ride/2245261</a> Green 1997, 105k, all stock except for Z28 front springs, Air shocks in the rear, home made coolant recovery tank, home made battery hold down.
yes i know, but i got tired of bottoming out and the front of my car draging all the time. I know im also the .01% of people that lift the car rather then lowering it. But for real, the ride is much better, but maybe i jest need new shocks and struts to improve the ride, i dont know.<a href=\"http://www.cardomain.com/ride/2245261\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.cardomain.com/ride/2245261</a> Green 1997, 105k, all stock except for Z28 front springs, Air shocks in the rear, home made coolant recovery tank, home made battery hold down.
you must have had either worn out shocks or bad roads where you live becuase my car hardly ever scrapes or drags along the ground......but i do agree on the bumpy ride with stock parts. on some roads it gets really bad for me and i cant go over 20 mph without really bouncing all over the place.
http://spaces.msn.com/members/Bobbyz...&_c=photoalbum<a href=\"http://www.cardomain.com/ride/2245261\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.cardomain.com/ride/2245261</a> Green 1997, 105k, all stock except for Z28 front springs, Air shocks in the rear, home made coolant recovery tank, home made battery hold down.
Good Job Bobby ... but why do you have a torch out there ?? Whenever my wife sees the torch out in my garage she freaks out ... "What the ^&&%&^ are you doing NOW !!!!
Good Job !!!\'97 Firebird 3.8 ... 1/4 mile = 12.50 (minutes)
i had to cut the upper nut off of the strut in order to get the spring off. I would not have had to do this, but i had to reuse the plate the spring sits on. The nut was totally rusted on. After using the tourch of course i then had to replace the upper strut/sping mount also. Its basily a block of rubber with 2 bolts comming out of it. My other one was dry rotted anyways, these cost me about $150 for 2 of them.
[ January 15, 2006, 07:11 PM: Message edited by: BobbyZ72 ]<a href=\"http://www.cardomain.com/ride/2245261\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.cardomain.com/ride/2245261</a> Green 1997, 105k, all stock except for Z28 front springs, Air shocks in the rear, home made coolant recovery tank, home made battery hold down.
just be sure to check the instructions with that upper strut mount. some require you to retorque that nut on top after so many miles cause the mount breaks in and settles some. i didnt do this on my first car i owned, the mount losened up, my strut started banging around all over the place, and i ended up ruining the mount and the strut. so see if you gotta check up on your new mounts after a couple hundred miles or so.Phill<br /><br />95 camaro... need money for turbo project... <br />94 S10 Blazer - winter beater - infinity system to be installed soon<br /><br />\"The man who says it cant be done should not interrupt the man doing it...\"
I didnt tourque anything down. Jest tightned everything down to when it felt good. I really hope mine dont loosen up. Because im not removing them again to tighten them. If this happens it will go to the shop. It sucks that we cant tighten them with out having to remove them. I was going to drill out the part under the hood so that once installed they could be adjusted if need be, but of course i didnt think about this till after i installed both. Also i had my front tires realined because with the stronger springs i notice the tires had more weight on their sides. But every thing else is great now. [img]graemlins/banana.gif[/img]<a href=\"http://www.cardomain.com/ride/2245261\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.cardomain.com/ride/2245261</a> Green 1997, 105k, all stock except for Z28 front springs, Air shocks in the rear, home made coolant recovery tank, home made battery hold down.
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