maybe a blown head gasket!! - Message Board


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maybe a blown head gasket!!

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  • maybe a blown head gasket!!

    ok guys,i have a 1999 camaro and its been overheating for the past 3 weeks,the temperature will increase and then drops back to 210,so i change my thermostat,radiator cap, and i added new coolent..but that didnt fix the problem,so i took the car to a mechanic shop and he told me that my head gasket is blown and it will cost me 1200 $ to change it,and the same time he told me that changing the head gasket might not even solve the problem and i might have to get a new engine and thats really freaking me out..i really need your advice on what should i do??

  • #2
    Re: maybe a blown head gasket!!

    does it overheat driving at hwy speed? do you hear your fans kicking on when idling long enough?


    • #3
      Re: maybe a blown head gasket!!

      yeah it will overheat sometimes when i drive on the hight way but it will drop back and then overheat the fans wont turn on but the mechanic checked them and they are working fine..hopefully its just the head gasket coz i really dont wanna change the whole engine coz their is coolent and water mixed with the oil..and btw i dont hear any cranking but white smoke will come out of the exhaust sometimes!!


      • #4
        Re: maybe a blown head gasket!!

        Hi guy if the fans ain't coming on when they should but they are working,then you should check the fan switch/coolant temp sensor,also is it loosing coolant?
        Coming to the conclusion and saying the head gasket blown is a big step so suddenly.
        First thing is if the engine loosing coolant,if is is check to see where if it's external of the engine then pressure test the system to confirm the leak if they are no signs of pressure drop check the fans operation to see if they come on and go off.


        • #5
          Re: maybe a blown head gasket!!

          yeah it is loosing coolent coz i filled it up with new coolent and water and its kinda empty right now and the mechanic showed me that the coolent/water is mixed with the engine oil so that pretty bad..and i dont think that the coolent is leaking from any external place..and when he moved my car their was coolent going out of the exhaust..i really donno wut the hell is wrong with it,like the car is in the shop right now and i donno if i should let the guy replace the head gasket and pay that much money,plzz try helping me ASAP..thxx guys


          • #6
            Re: maybe a blown head gasket!!

            i think you can do it all by yourself.

            and while your at it replace all the top end gaskets. Whole thing should cost u around a hundred bux for everything, but you'll be out of a car for a while depending on how fast u fix it.


            • #7
              Re: maybe a blown head gasket!!

              how is the waterpump? A shot waterpump will cause ya to overheat as well.

              If you run it too hot you can warp the head and even changing the head gasket will not fix it until you mill the deck down on the head again


              • #8
                Re: maybe a blown head gasket!!

                no man trust me i dont think that i can do it by myself coz i really have no experience in cars and i dont have the tools to do it..i really 4got abt the water pump,but will the atwr pump cause the coolent to go to the engine too??..and yeah i know that if i run it really hot it will wrap the head thats why i left it in the mechanic shop coz i dont wanna drive it and screw up the car more..but do u think 1200 $ is really the guy is going to check everything in the engine and drain the coolent and the engine oil and replace both the headgasket and the oil filter,but he told me that its going to be that expensive cause it needs 12 hours of work,is that right?


                • #9
                  Re: maybe a blown head gasket!!

                  and btw i know the mechanic before so i dont think he is playing any games


                  • #10
                    Re: maybe a blown head gasket!!

                    Oh well,I guess you are on the right track but you say coolant is mixing with oil but is oil mixing with coolant?
                    In other words Oil is in the sump,but is oil in the radiator?


                    • #11
                      Re: maybe a blown head gasket!!

                      i dont think so cause the guy checked the radiator and he said that it looks really good


                      • #12
                        Re: maybe a blown head gasket!!

                        and btw my friend's dad is kinda good in cars,like he changed my alternator and thermostat and he offered me that he can fix my car,but i donno if i should risk it(cause he has to take the engine out) or just let the mechanic fix it


                        • #13
                          Re: maybe a blown head gasket!!

                          if you have coolant coming out of the tailpipe its pretty safe to say its a blown head gasket. call around and see what other shops would charge to replace it.


                          • #14
                            Re: maybe a blown head gasket!!

                            i kinda trust the mechanic i left the car with,coz really here in Arizona some mechanic will rob u really bad..but i donno if i should take the car from the shop and just let ma friend's dad to fix is it easy to change the head gasket,and like what other procedures should i do after changing it ??


                            • #15
                              Re: maybe a blown head gasket!!

                              dude do it yourself.

                              all u really need is basic hand tools

                              the most u will need is a few deep sockets and a torque wrench and a 5 dollar tool to disconnect the fuel line.


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