so ive taking it easy on the racing thing for a long time now but theres this guy from san diego friend of friend who whant to try his v6 mustang easy win for me. so i was launching my automatic and when i take off it does all the nice stuff like peeling out pretty good but shortly after still in first gear it star to shake then into second. so i was like wtf but when i floor when im on a roll everythign is all nice and cool so idk whats going. the cars run great. when i take off not launching it, it takes of well and everythign good accelaration adn everything its only when i launch it that it shakes but when i do it on a roll everythign is cool. what do you guys think?
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Re: shaking
i took i out for a drive and right now and everythgin i whent to the bank throttle response was great i was even gonna race an S-10 ajajaja but i dint, everytin is running fine the only thign is i dint launch it to chek if it still did ima goona go school later and ima try to what happends