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Low voltage

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  • Low voltage

    a while back i was noticing when i had my lights on, and my sound system going and my brake lights on my voltage would drop dramatically down to 9v.

    i had my alternator tested and it was OK and i got a brand new battery. The problem still remained. I then got a 1 farad capacitor for my sound system, hoping that would help the problem. It didnt. My volts would still drop while sitting at a light.

    Then this winter i looked into the "big 3" upgrade and upgraded my alternator to pos. terminal and engine to chassis ground cables, both to 4 gauge wires.

    STILL NO FIX. :rant:

    these days, my car will be relatively OK with my lights on and sounds system going while at a stop light (as long as its for less than a min or two otherwise it starts to flutter)

    however, i installed a manual fan switch in my car for my rad fan and even during the day with my lights OFF, if sitting at a stop light with the rad fan ON, my volts will drop down right away.

    this is such a problem, especially on hot nights when i need everything on that i actually have to put my car in PARK while at a stop light, i also do this during the day ocassionally at longer lights.

    with my nitrous endeveaor coming soon, i know i will be taking even MORE power from my existing 12V set up, which as you know is extremely poor even with all those upgrades.

    anyone have an idea whats going on with my electrical system? any suggestions on continuing to fix it? would a high output alternator help etc?



  • #2
    Re: Low voltage


    Have you tested it with a voltmeter? Do your lights actually dim?

    Maybe the gauge is not totally accurate.

    I hate to answer a question with a question, but is there a more powerful alternator available?


    • #3
      Re: Low voltage

      i believe our alternators are like 160 and a high output one is like 180-200.

      not only do the lights dim slightly, but the car feels like it is idling worse and vibrates more than ususal. i don't know what the lack of voltage does to the way our engines run but i can tell u it doesn't run as smoothly.


      • #4
        Re: Low voltage

        Sounds like your Alt., I did rewire on mine did the 4ga. for the Alt., 4ga. ground from batt. to Access., and I had some 2ga left over from along time ago from when I had a completely bass vehicle, so I used that for the ground for the block. I don't see any dimming at all now. But I did raise my idle to 900-950 so that helped also.
        08' L76 6.0L 4X4 Chevy EXT.Cab LTZ Vortec MAX with Snug top cover, Dynomax exhaust,Hptuners& K&N intake
        96' Camaro M5 to A4 conversion, alot of mods . GT35R Turbo full suspension. Built engine


        • #5
          Re: Low voltage

          i don't doubt the effectiveness of the Big 3 upgrade, but idk.

          my alternator was tested as fine by an autozone employee, he brought out the cart thingy and checked it.

          also, like i said the batttery is new and is a good one.

          u really think alternator?


          • #6
            Re: Low voltage

            you can run your nitrous solenoids off two 9v batteries, if its a real issue.


            • #7
              Re: Low voltage

              It is either the alt. or your running to many accessories which then you would need a higher output Alt. How many amps are you running and what is there output RMS? It is probably your stereo, which will kill your Alt. quicker since it is trying to keep your car running and your stereo.
              08' L76 6.0L 4X4 Chevy EXT.Cab LTZ Vortec MAX with Snug top cover, Dynomax exhaust,Hptuners& K&N intake
              96' Camaro M5 to A4 conversion, alot of mods . GT35R Turbo full suspension. Built engine


              • #8
                Re: Low voltage

                Originally posted by zpwn06 View Post
                you can run your nitrous solenoids off two 9v batteries, if its a real issue.
                Nitrous solenoids do draw more than 2 batt., you figure they stay open for maybe 15 seconds or so. They are wired off a 30 amp relay for a reason. They do pull some power.
                08' L76 6.0L 4X4 Chevy EXT.Cab LTZ Vortec MAX with Snug top cover, Dynomax exhaust,Hptuners& K&N intake
                96' Camaro M5 to A4 conversion, alot of mods . GT35R Turbo full suspension. Built engine


                • #9
                  Re: Low voltage

                  Originally posted by ssms5411 View Post
                  Nitrous solenoids do draw more than 2 batt., you figure they stay open for maybe 15 seconds or so. They are wired off a 30 amp relay for a reason. They do pull some power.
                  just replace your batts every 2 races or so. I've run 30 amps off a nine volt (one nine volt) before. It...doesn't like it...but it will work. I got about a minute thirty seconds of full power and then it started dying.


                  • #10
                    Re: Low voltage

                    and by the way, NX makes a kit designed to run on 9v batteries.


                    • #11
                      Re: Low voltage

                      Originally posted by zpwn06 View Post
                      just replace your batts every 2 races or so. I've run 30 amps off a nine volt (one nine volt) before. It...doesn't like it...but it will work. I got about a minute thirty seconds of full power and then it started dying.
                      O.K......................., TKO how many amps are you running? In the past when running my 2 kicker solo barics off a PPI 2300am and a PPI 2400 for the highs my voltage would go down. For awhile I had a second Optima battery in the back which helped out alot.
                      08' L76 6.0L 4X4 Chevy EXT.Cab LTZ Vortec MAX with Snug top cover, Dynomax exhaust,Hptuners& K&N intake
                      96' Camaro M5 to A4 conversion, alot of mods . GT35R Turbo full suspension. Built engine


                      • #12
                        Re: Low voltage

                        well, i've got a 1600 watt boss amp with around 400rms

                        and it's powering 2 1252 watt infinity subs.

                        i also added a 1 farad capacitor.

                        btw, i should add that even when i turn my stereo OFF, the voltage still drops, and when i turn off my stereo it turns off power going to my amp.


                        • #13
                          Re: Low voltage

                          Originally posted by zpwn06 View Post
                          you can run your nitrous solenoids off two 9v batteries, if its a real issue.
                          i'd really rather not.


                          • #14
                            Re: Low voltage

                            I would say your Alt. is on its way out if it is doing it without your stereo bumping. Or pick up some 9 volt batteries.LOL
                            Last edited by ssms5411; 07-12-2008, 05:19 PM.
                            08' L76 6.0L 4X4 Chevy EXT.Cab LTZ Vortec MAX with Snug top cover, Dynomax exhaust,Hptuners& K&N intake
                            96' Camaro M5 to A4 conversion, alot of mods . GT35R Turbo full suspension. Built engine


                            • #15
                              Re: Low voltage

                              i went to autozone and they tested my alt and said it was good but every morning my car wouldnt start and i had to get it jumped but i went ahead and replaced it and from there on out everthing was good


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