So this problem is very odd actually... - Message Board


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So this problem is very odd actually...

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  • So this problem is very odd actually...

    I've been quiet about it for months, searching this forum for an answer, never found one either. Or waiting until someone else posts up about it...but apparently not. So this is what my car is doing...

    A randomly random multiple cylinder miss fire.

    Yeah, I meant two randoms. It will RANDOMLY miss fire when it feels like, for the whole trip, for just a few minutes, or just for a second. When it's REALLY hot out, when it's HUMID out, or if it's wet out mixed with the cool night air, or the Zero-Dark-Thirty air in the morning.

    Sometimes I'll be driving my car, and now that I fixed my transmission mount ( Finally ), I of course tested it the other day.Well at first, I was pleased because no more *KABOOM* from the transmission. But when I did it for the third time or so, it kind of hesitated and then went.


    Yeah, sometimes she'll hesitate too..but it's VERY, VERY rare for that. At Kilkare, I don't know if Vanbib ever noticed, but after a few runs my car would start a multiple random cylinder miss would I fix it? I'd shut her off, let her cool down.

    This miss fire is starting to really PISS me off. Seriously. There's only two more things I need to fix until I feel comfortable going to the track again, this Miss Fire one of them...and shocks/springs being the second... ( Yeah my suspension's finally had it, she creaks and squeaks while under load. :( )

    Iz kneed halp!!!!!!!

    and yes she's throwing codes. I can get the exact codes within the next couple days...but I do know this:

    It typically throws 8 codes.
    2 Random Multiple Cylinder Miss fires
    2 Manufactured Air to fuel metering control
    2 System too lean ( bank 1 )
    2 System too lean ( bank 2 )

    and I know the last 4 codes would point to the O2 sensors...I haven't replaced them yet, because the are reading fine and providing normal output on the scanner... However, I do plan on replacing them soon. :) any ideas?

  • #2
    Re: So this problem is very odd actually...

    replace plugs and wires...then, if that doesn't help, go to coil packs


    • #3
      Re: So this problem is very odd actually...

      Originally posted by Smoke Panther View Post
      replace plugs and wires...then, if that doesn't help, go to coil packs
      Did that. =( Twice on the plugs and wires. Including the Ignition Control Module.

      Oh. I forgot to put in the original post...

      Ask what I've done to the car and I'll I'm kind've too tired to think off the top of my head.


      • #4
        Re: So this problem is very odd actually...

        First guess always is plugs and wires. combining the o2 sensors might suggest something else or two or more seperate problems. Hard to accurately tell when there are multiple codes.
        Let's flip a coin. Heads I get tail, Tails I get head.


        • #5
          Re: So this problem is very odd actually...

          Originally posted by Moses View Post
          Oh. I forgot to put in the original post...

          Ask what I've done to the car and I'll I'm kind've too tired to think off the top of my head.
          have you tried changing out all the O2 sensors..?


          • #6
            Re: So this problem is very odd actually...

            Whats your fuel pressure look like?

            TEAM C6V6


            • #7
              Re: So this problem is very odd actually...

              Originally posted by Smoke Panther View Post
              have you tried changing out all the O2 sensors..?
              I haven't got the upstream ones, but I've had an O2 simulator that I've never had a problem with on the downstream, and it's been sending a couple of the codes since before the simulator.

              Edit: Whoops almost forgot. That's my next step then, just wanted another opinion. =)


              • #8
                Re: So this problem is very odd actually...

                Originally posted by Blizzard242 View Post
                Whats your fuel pressure look like?
                Strong as ever! =)


                • #9
                  Re: So this problem is very odd actually...

                  Your post cat 02 sensor does nothing but set off a code if the cat isn't working properly so I wouldn't worry about the sim doing anything to your fueling.

                  I'd say after replacing the 02 sensors you might really want to looking into the fuel system.
                  You haven't installed a new pump right? What you're really gonna want to do is get a reading when it's acting up.

                  TEAM C6V6


                  • #10
                    Re: So this problem is very odd actually...

                    I'm going to change the O2 sensors here soon, after I do that I'll wait and see if it fixed the problem. I'll come back to this thread once I get an update.


                    • #11
                      Re: So this problem is very odd actually...

                      If your o2 sensors are detecting a lean condition, I'd look at your injectors too.
                      Y87 Package
                      MANUAL CONVERTED, Pro 5.0 Shifter
                      Pacesetters, Magnaflow Cat, Cutout, Flowmaster

                      MOGOB APPROVED!
                      BONE APPROVED!
                      VANBIBBER APPROVED!
                      KRISTEN APPROVED!

                      Vice Prez.
                      Team Black...TEAM EMO
                      Come on kids! Get a Calendar!


                      • #12
                        Re: So this problem is very odd actually...

                        My first guess would be plugs and wires, and then coil packs. When I had a misfire problem, it was a cracked coilpack.

                        Now that we're on fuel systems, uh... fuel filter? Just throwin it out there.


                        • #13
                          Re: So this problem is very odd actually...

                          I don't think it's fuel related. =( Even when it miss fires the Fuel PSI stays pretty much the same, drops maybe .5 psi intermittenly...and it fouls out the cylinders that are miss firing with it's dumping.

                          If the O2's don't fix the problem, I'm going to go back over the coil packs, wires and plugs ( even though the wires and plugs have less than 500 miles on them. ) Never know with this heat... lol.


                          • #14
                            Re: So this problem is very odd actually...

                            How could your coil packs cause a lean condition as you said it was reading?

                            TEAM C6V6


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