So I went to get my inspection 2 weeks ago. It failed. I put on headers and new o2 sensors. Took it back failed again. Now it's throwing a code for the EGR. I believe it's a p1404. But inspection report says the EGR is fine and dandy.
What it did say that failed was:
o2 sensor HTR
The car is a 99 firebird 3.8. Modified stock intake, Pacesetter headers, magnaflow hi-flow cat, and flowmaster 80 series muffler.
The inspection man told me if I can just get one of those to go away it will pass. So i'm think the o2 sensor will be the easiest fix. Can somebody please tell how to get rid of one of these problems. Thank you in advance for any help!!!!!!
What it did say that failed was:
o2 sensor HTR
The car is a 99 firebird 3.8. Modified stock intake, Pacesetter headers, magnaflow hi-flow cat, and flowmaster 80 series muffler.
The inspection man told me if I can just get one of those to go away it will pass. So i'm think the o2 sensor will be the easiest fix. Can somebody please tell how to get rid of one of these problems. Thank you in advance for any help!!!!!!