I live by the phrase: "Fool me once, shame on you, Fool me twice, shame on me.". Anyway, I tried to buy an A/C delete pulley from Ebay and whadya know? The package got here and being that I'm in only the finest of places, got stolen off the porch before I could get home from work. So....I'm looking to see if anyone has just run a shorter belt from the crank, back up to the alternator and cut out the compressor altogether. The pulley on the A/C rings like a bell constantly and, well, apparently, that delete pulley just can't make it to where I live and I'm not about to throw money into the air without a return a second time.
Honestly, all I'll need is a length and then I'll just grab it from the local a/p place. Thanks in advance.
Honestly, all I'll need is a length and then I'll just grab it from the local a/p place. Thanks in advance.