The effects of adding Too Much Oil - Message Board


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The effects of adding Too Much Oil

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  • #16
    Re: The effects of adding Too Much Oil

    Originally posted by tkoforpresident View Post
    yeah my fuel gauge stays all the way at the full mark for the first 6 or 7 gallons before it starts to plummet like a stone in a pond.
    yup, just about all GM's are like that, its because of the type of fuel float/sending unit they use

    not to mention the style of some tanks can make it even worse

    my car will go from 1/4 tank to below empty in just 40 miles which tells me i am getting around "10mpg".. even less if you dont include the gallon or so thats left when the gauge is on E


    • #17
      Re: The effects of adding Too Much Oil

      Our cars have this issue because the gas tank is wide at the top and narrow at the bottom. The gauge does not compensate for this shape which is why once it drops from full it falls like a rock.


      • #18
        Re: The effects of adding Too Much Oil

        Originally posted by nascar24jd View Post
        Our cars have this issue because the gas tank is wide at the top and narrow at the bottom. The gauge does not compensate for this shape which is why once it drops from full it falls like a rock.
        nice going gm :tup:

        way to have years to realize the problem and keep puttin in crappy sensors!! whahooo! :banana:


        • #19
          Re: The effects of adding Too Much Oil

          I spoke to a sales rep at this site that sells catalytic converters and he told me that he has heard of cases like mine, and that the car needs to be driven a few hundred miles to burn off the excessive oil that is still in the system. I have put no more than 30 miles on the car since the incident. He told me that I didn't need a new cat yet even though it has contacted oil. According to him, if my cat was still clogged, the car would run like crap.

          Gas is $2.25 in my neighborhood, so I guess it's time to let it burn and see what happens.


          • #20
            Re: The effects of adding Too Much Oil

            Originally posted by speedyx14 View Post
            I spoke to a sales rep at this site that sells catalytic converters and he told me that he has heard of cases like mine, and that the car needs to be driven a few hundred miles to burn off the excessive oil that is still in the system. I have put no more than 30 miles on the car since the incident. He told me that I didn't need a new cat yet even though it has contacted oil. According to him, if my cat was still clogged, the car would run like crap.

            Gas is $2.25 in my neighborhood, so I guess it's time to let it burn and see what happens.
            i dont understand this concept, there is nowhere for oil to be that needs "burned off" other than in your combustion chamber, which would have shot out blue smoke, and given you codes

            now, since you did get codes, you may have messed up your o2 sensors and it is dumping more fuel than it should, is there black smoke comming out at all?

            you may be looking at replacing rings now since im sure there was very high oil pressure, it may have blown passed your rings and ruined them


            • #21
              Re: The effects of adding Too Much Oil

              i dont' know why you wouldn't get new o2 sensors, they're cheap and easy to replace and yours are probably shot.


              • #22
                Re: The effects of adding Too Much Oil

                Originally posted by tkoforpresident View Post
                i dont' know why you wouldn't get new o2 sensors, they're cheap and easy to replace and yours are probably shot.


                Originally posted by speedyx14 View Post
                I changed the Oxygen Sensors the other day and not much seems to have changed.

                Try checking a few other things in the fuel system. It's not uncommon for unrelated problems to pop up at a coincidental time. Check your injectors, fuel filter, fuel pump, fuel pressure regulator. Along with those check plugs and wires.

                Any hard starts or strong smells of fuel inside/outside the car? Or any white smoke coming from the tailpipes? (although it might be hard to tell if it's still coming out bluish)
                '99 Camaro
                '04 Saab 9-3 Aero
                '90 Audi Coupe Quattro


                • #23
                  Re: The effects of adding Too Much Oil

                  I don't get any black smoke. I get some white smoke when I start the car after it's been sitting for a bit.But it's getting cold around here and the smoke goes away after the car warms up.


                  • #24
                    Re: The effects of adding Too Much Oil

                    our gas guages are not accurate so what is half tank is actually like quarter or less but you probably have a crumbled cat due to rich circumstances.


                    • #25
                      Re: The effects of adding Too Much Oil

                      Originally posted by speedyx14 View Post
                      I don't get any black smoke. I get some white smoke when I start the car after it's been sitting for a bit.But it's getting cold around here and the smoke goes away after the car warms up.
                      That's normal. A car that's running rich will also put out a little bit of white smoke.

                      What about strong fuel smells or hard starts? Could possibly need a new fuel pressure regulator. They're a common replacement on F-bodies and will cause the car to run very rich if pumping fuel into the intake through the vacuum line.
                      '99 Camaro
                      '04 Saab 9-3 Aero
                      '90 Audi Coupe Quattro


                      • #26
                        Re: The effects of adding Too Much Oil

                        Originally posted by pace2006 View Post
                        That's normal. A car that's running rich will also put out a little bit of white smoke.

                        What about strong fuel smells or hard starts? Could possibly need a new fuel pressure regulator. They're a common replacement on F-bodies and will cause the car to run very rich if pumping fuel into the intake through the vacuum line.
                        not true, in order for a rich car to be pumping out white smoke, it would have to be 100% unburnt fuel that is burning after it gets out of the combustion chamber, in the exhaust manifolds which would have to be red hot


                        • #27
                          Re: The effects of adding Too Much Oil

                          Originally posted by cam98aro View Post
                          not true, in order for a rich car to be pumping out white smoke, it would have to be 100% unburnt fuel that is burning after it gets out of the combustion chamber, in the exhaust manifolds which would have to be red hot
                          What part isn't true? A car that has been sitting for a while is going to put out a little bit of colored smoke upon startup, especially in cold weather.

                          As for a car running rich putting out some white smoke, it depends on the amount of extra fuel. The internals of the fpr in my car had pretty much dissolved and it was dumping fuel into the intake. Getting the car to start was troublesome, and if I was lucky, I could get it on the first or second try. Otherwise it would puff out a nasty mist of exhaust/raw fuel and god knows what else. I even had a few people at the local auto parts store point it out. When we hooked it up to HP Tuners and ran an initial scan to check everything, the car was running extremely rich and only zeroed out once at WOT on the interstate. My LTFT's were as high high as -18, and STFTs as high as -12. Average trims ranged from -10 to -15. Now, I may be new to tuning, but those numbers don't look right. The next week we replaced the fpr and my fuel trims were much better; all within a point or two of 0, and only showing it running rich at a cold idle after startup. Startup is now instant, there's no more raw fuel smell, and no more white smoke. What would you say it was then?

                          Oh, and never saw any glowing red exhaust manifolds. :D
                          Last edited by pace2006; 10-30-2008, 01:44 PM.
                          '99 Camaro
                          '04 Saab 9-3 Aero
                          '90 Audi Coupe Quattro


                          • #28
                            Re: The effects of adding Too Much Oil

                            I just changed the spark plugs, which seemed to have some carbon build up.

                            I also notice that If I'm driving the car the rpm will pick up to about 3,000 rpm around 50 mph, but when I hit 55 it will bog down to 1,500 rpm. The car has acted this way since the overfill. It was worse though before I got the extra oil out(I could barely go past 40mph). Overall it just loses power and acts strange when I go over 50mph.

                            Could this be a symptom of a clogged oil filled cat causing the rpm to drop at higher speeds? Or is it simply missing? I'm not getting any codes either from the OBD1.
                            Last edited by speedyx14; 11-02-2008, 02:13 PM.


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