Different Coil Pack Question - FirebirdV6.com/CamaroV6.com Message Board


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Different Coil Pack Question

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  • Different Coil Pack Question

    My story:
    Ive been chasing a mis-fire gremlin in my car for the last 3 months. I get it running fine and then about 2-3 weeks later its mis-firing again.

    All new plugs and wires. New injectors in #2 & #4(x2). New coils for 2/5 and 1/4. Compression checked out fine. Leak down was acceptable. Fuel pressure is fine. AutoZone said the ICM was fine. Fuel injector light shows all injectors have a strong electrical pulse to them.

    Driving it home from work yesterday and started mis-firing AGAIN! Got it in the garage and did a little bench diagnostic. Took a thin piece of metal and layed it across the intake. Individually pulled the wires off of the coil posts. Pulled the injector fuse and spun the starter. Checked to see if the coil posts would arc to the metal strap. All of them arced except for 2 and 5 which did absolutely nothing. Obviously 2/5 is a dead coil AGAIN.

    My question:
    Why is it that i just replaced this coil 2 weeks ago and now it is dead again? Is my ICM crapping out eventhough Autozones test said it was ok? Could it possibly be a combination of the ICM and ECU? Was it just an unlucky junk coil? Is it possible that something in the emissions system is causing the electrical to go haywire(doubtful but questionable)?

    I need some kind of advice. I am about done with this car. Nice looking no where near reliable.

  • #2
    Re: Different Coil Pack Question

    I had this problem when I used the GP Sorenson coils from Advance. I only use Delco now and haven't had any misfires since.


    • #3
      Re: Different Coil Pack Question

      I solved this problem by replacing the ICM with a good used one, and some dielectric grease.


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