Plugs + wires + fuel filter = $450, reasonable? - Message Board


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Plugs + wires + fuel filter = $450, reasonable?

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  • Plugs + wires + fuel filter = $450, reasonable?

    I've been having some engine misfiring problems since late Feb. My knee-jerk reaction is to blame it on bad gas, since it started 20 minutes after I put in a new tank of gas and got up to highway speed.

    The check engine light was on, flashing sometimes under hard WOT acceleration. Engine sputters/shakes under acceleration. Advanced auto scanned the code and got P306 (can't remember exact code), but basically misfire in cylinder #6.

    I've gone through one and half tank of gas after I went through that "bad" tank. The check engine light went off about two weeks ago, but after some WOT starts it came back on, flashing. It went off again last thursday, when the car was running smoothest yet since the incident started. But I had already planned to take it to a shop the following morning. There were still some sputtering, mostly when accelerating slowly (up to 2K RPM). The engine sputters mostly during gear change, especially at the 3rd/OD change at around 40 mph or so.

    The shop got back to me today quoting $450 to change plugs + wires + fuel filter. I think it's a bit high. What do you think?

    Update (from a follow-up phone call to shop):
    me: were you able to get the SES light to come back on?


    Me: Did you even try?


    Me: But like I told your guys when I dropped off my car, the light went off the day before. It went off once already - it will most likely come back on if you give it WOT, or run through the gears under 2K.

    "Sir, we don't have time to drive 50 miles around to try to see if it would come back on."

    (in my mind) well then did you actually DO any testing...?

    Me: so the $450 is based on how many hours of work?

    "3 and 1/2 hours"

    Me: is John#1, John #2 or John#3 in? I spoke to them when I was there.

    "everyone's out on vacation. For the entire week."

    Me: ...

    Second Update (4/18/09): They want $150 for parts, $300 for 3.5 hours. If I don't let them do the work, there's a $40+ "engine check" fee. Which I guess is for popping the hood and checking the OBD code.
    Last edited by lostatlantis; 04-18-2009, 11:12 AM. Reason: new info
    \'96 dark green V6 Firebird<br />Y87 Performance package<br />front license plate with silver firebird insignia<br />alpine CD deck<br />T-top<br />Tinted windows @ 27%<br />low mileage (just broke 45000 not long ago!)<br /><br />waiting for first performance mod :)

  • #2
    Re: Plugs + wires + fuel filter = $450, reasonable?

    thats wayyy to hight. you can get all those parts for around 100 bucks. save yourself the money and do it yourself. just make sure you put the new wires on the right coil.


    • #3
      Re: Plugs + wires + fuel filter = $450, reasonable?

      Yeah that seems like a total rip-off. That's basic maintenance you should be able to do yourself, and it's really easy. If you've never done this before, now is a good time to learn. Since you state that this happened with a new tank of gas, I'd suggest starting with the fuel filter, maybe it's restricted. Get a Haynes or Chilton's manual, there's pics and step by step intructions. Plus we all can answer whatever Q's you may have.
      2002 Silver Firebird A4<br />T-Tops, Leather, Y87, W68, Chrome Wheels<br />Bone Stock


      • #4
        Re: Plugs + wires + fuel filter = $450, reasonable?

        Although it's more than most people on this board would pay, I don't think they're ripping you off. Provided the $450 includes the wires/plugs/filter/tax. If that's just in labor, yeah, that's way too high.
        Red 96' A4 Firebird
        Audio Audio and Autotek
        Check it out here!


        • #5
          Re: Plugs + wires + fuel filter = $450, reasonable?

          plus i dont even truest any shops with my baby. i do all the work myself because then i know its done right. haa and theres nothing better then knowing that you have the skills to be able to fix your f-body. i have a Haynes manual and it helps so much. with one of those in hand you would be able change everything out without any confusion. and plus you've got us to talk to if you have any problems or questions:D do yourself the favor and do it yourself.


          • #6
            Re: Plugs + wires + fuel filter = $450, reasonable?


            I say take out plug wire number six and test resistance. It could be grounding out to the block as well, you change in speed/accel, it may change how close it is to a ground and arching ground.

            Any codes up for the TPS? Could be your issue...

            Id do fuel filter first (you can do it in 10min), could be too clogged for WOT...

            Then Id go plug wires...
            Last edited by nimrod.sixty9; 04-13-2009, 12:44 PM.
            98 Camaro 3.8 M5 Y87 | 99 Camaro LS1 Z28 T56


            • #7
              Re: Plugs + wires + fuel filter = $450, reasonable?

              Appreciate all the replies! I took it to this shop because

              a) it came highly recommended by a coworker friend, who's been with them for 20+ years
              b) I wanted to make sure it's not something more serious than from old wires/plugs

              I would love to DIY! This would be my first time. One thing though - I thought I needed to jack up the car for these? That's my main concern.

              The thing about the shop is, it sounded to me they didn't do much to test the actual problem. Just saying it needs a tune up. I'll give them a call later today to get an exact quote... they called me on the way to work, keep pressuring me to let them do the work.
              \'96 dark green V6 Firebird<br />Y87 Performance package<br />front license plate with silver firebird insignia<br />alpine CD deck<br />T-top<br />Tinted windows @ 27%<br />low mileage (just broke 45000 not long ago!)<br /><br />waiting for first performance mod :)


              • #8
                Re: Plugs + wires + fuel filter = $450, reasonable?

                So, just made a quick call to the shop during my lunch hour.

                1. $450 included plugs/wires/fuel filter. I forgot to ask about tax, most likely not included. I didn't ask the actual brand of the parts.

                2. I don't think they took much time to test out the car. I thought they would at least run the car through and try to get the check engine light to come back on - I told them in detail the situation, and that WOT will most likely bring it back. They didn't.

                Also, the guys I talked to at the shop last week are all out on vacation for this entire week. Coincidence, probably.

                Anyway I'll pick up a copy of the Haynes today after work. I'll also go over to the shop and see if I can take my baby around the block for a few WOT runs. Right now, I am pretty sure I'll bring her back and go DIY. With you guys as my support team, of course :)

                BTW, she's a 96 firebird v6 with Y87, A4.
                \'96 dark green V6 Firebird<br />Y87 Performance package<br />front license plate with silver firebird insignia<br />alpine CD deck<br />T-top<br />Tinted windows @ 27%<br />low mileage (just broke 45000 not long ago!)<br /><br />waiting for first performance mod :)


                • #9
                  Re: Plugs + wires + fuel filter = $450, reasonable?

                  Well your shop would be correct in saying it needs a tune up. Unless an SES light is on (I would make it come back before I did anything). Before you start diagnosing anything, you have to make sure shes in tune... Just good practice..

                  Go back to AZ and get it scanned and then go from there... Even if the light is off, codes should still be stored until erased.

                  Jacking her up? It depends on how good you are, it just may be easier to do it that way. Just make sure you have a decent jack and stands, and make sure you have a good tool set. Youll have to jack it up anyway to do the FF.
                  Last edited by nimrod.sixty9; 04-13-2009, 02:23 PM.
                  98 Camaro 3.8 M5 Y87 | 99 Camaro LS1 Z28 T56


                  • #10
                    Re: Plugs + wires + fuel filter = $450, reasonable?

                    i just called a shop here to see what kind of a price it would be for just labor for plugs and was 170.00 with me providing the parts, he said according to their guide its a 2 1/2 hour job at 68.00 an im doing mine when i get a spare day.


                    • #11
                      Re: Plugs + wires + fuel filter = $450, reasonable?

                      dont be lazyy do it yourself its not that hard of workkk


                      • #12
                        Re: Plugs + wires + fuel filter = $450, reasonable?

                        Originally posted by nimrod.sixty9 View Post
                        Well your shop would be correct in saying it needs a tune up. Unless an SES light is on (I would make it come back before I did anything). Before you start diagnosing anything, you have to make sure shes in tune... Just good practice..

                        Go back to AZ and get it scanned and then go from there... Even if the light is off, codes should still be stored until erased.

                        Jacking her up? It depends on how good you are, it just may be easier to do it that way. Just make sure you have a decent jack and stands, and make sure you have a good tool set. Youll have to jack it up anyway to do the FF.
                        Agreed. Was it wrong on my part to expect the shop to scan for any stored codes and/or try to make the SES light come back on?

                        Any recommendation on a good jack and stand? All i have is the oem jack, which I have my doubts...
                        \'96 dark green V6 Firebird<br />Y87 Performance package<br />front license plate with silver firebird insignia<br />alpine CD deck<br />T-top<br />Tinted windows @ 27%<br />low mileage (just broke 45000 not long ago!)<br /><br />waiting for first performance mod :)


                        • #13
                          Re: Plugs + wires + fuel filter = $450, reasonable?

                          Originally posted by lostatlantis View Post
                          Agreed. Was it wrong on my part to expect the shop to scan for any stored codes and/or try to make the SES light come back on?

                          Any recommendation on a good jack and stand? All i have is the oem jack, which I have my doubts...
                          Exactly why I dont take my car to a shop. Im a better mechanic than they are... You assumed correct... DId they even ask you when you did your last tune up???

                          LOL and you should have doubts, its only to change a tire. Not to have your head under it. You can get a GM cheapo set from WalMart for about $25, that includes jack and stands.
                          98 Camaro 3.8 M5 Y87 | 99 Camaro LS1 Z28 T56


                          • #14
                            Re: Plugs + wires + fuel filter = $450, reasonable?

                            If #6 is the back passenger plug (I think it is) then I would check the boot that fits on the spark plug. I had a really bad misfire problem with that rear passenger plug and it ended up being the boot got so hot that the silicon/ rubber started cracking and it was grounding to the block. I ended up doing away with the stock heat shield and went to orielly's and bought a mesh heat sleeve. I figured cause there is no room that that back one gets so hot and there is no air movement. I have had no problems with the sleeve since. I would take the boot off ans squeeze it and see if the re are any cracks and thats probably your problem.


                            • #15
                              Re: Plugs + wires + fuel filter = $450, reasonable?

                              so would it be a good idea to spend 50.00 on heat sleves for my new MSD wires?? i mean since there the same cost as the wires themselfs??


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