Plugs + wires + fuel filter = $450, reasonable? - Message Board


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Plugs + wires + fuel filter = $450, reasonable?

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  • #16
    Re: Plugs + wires + fuel filter = $450, reasonable?

    I still think $450 for that basic work is pretty high. Depends on what other shops charge in your area though. Maybe that's the going rate. But, for a lot less than that you can get all the replacement parts, a jack and stand set from Walmart, a set of tools that includes a spark plug socket, and a haynes manual. Then you'll have those tools forever, and you'll learn basic DIY skills every guy should know. Heck, there's ladies on here that do all kinds of stuff to their cars. I started fixing my own car when I saw how easy it was for the idiot at the 10 min oil change place to do my oil. I thought, heck, if he can do that, then I can do that. I do all kinds of repairs and maintenance myself now.

    Also, the shop should be testing the car before they just go replacing stuff, or you're going to end up with a bill for $1000 as they replace this and that trying to fix the problem. Start with the cheap and obvious things like fuel filter and plugs and wires.
    2002 Silver Firebird A4<br />T-Tops, Leather, Y87, W68, Chrome Wheels<br />Bone Stock


    • #17
      Re: Plugs + wires + fuel filter = $450, reasonable?

      450 is fuggin high......i just spent 15 on a fuel filter, 52 on 8.5 MSD plug wires and 15.00 on 6 NKG plugs......thats only 82.00 + tax that means that they are trying to charge you 360.00 for labor!!!!!!!!!!!!! like i said before i just called a shop for plugs and wires and they wanted 170.00 at 68.00 an hour.........that means that shop is charging you 120.00 and hour for a 3 hour job!!!!!!!!!


      • #18
        Re: Plugs + wires + fuel filter = $450, reasonable?

        screw that. spend a day doing it yourself, use extra money that would have been spent on beer and strippers

        current car- 95 Trans am- bolt ons, parked and collecting dust. why? because **** it

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        • #19
          Re: Plugs + wires + fuel filter = $450, reasonable?

          beer and good idea!!!!

          i have a question when changing the wires should i even put the heat sheilds back on???? what about the plug boots?? are they worth the 50.00???


          • #20
            Re: Plugs + wires + fuel filter = $450, reasonable?

            Originally posted by jrherald420 View Post
            beer and good idea!!!!

            i have a question when changing the wires should i even put the heat sheilds back on???? what about the plug boots?? are they worth the 50.00???
            Dude, take it from me put the shields back on...dunno even know why you would take them off when just doing a plug job, but put them back they are there for a reason...


            • #21
              Re: Plugs + wires + fuel filter = $450, reasonable?

              Also you might have a bad coil...just FYI..


              • #22
                Re: Plugs + wires + fuel filter = $450, reasonable?

                Originally posted by ne0hisda0ne View Post
                Dude, take it from me put the shields back on...dunno even know why you would take them off when just doing a plug job, but put them back they are there for a reason...

                i was asking because ive heard of people removing them....remember im new to the firebird thing, you want to know about mustangs we'll talk.

                also when i was tearing down the spare 3.8 i have i noticed that its a very tight squeze and when you remove the sheilds its ALOT easyer to access the plugs. also when i removed the sheilds 3 out of the 6 mounting studs snaped off making re-mounting the sheilds impossable. this is why i sorry if my questions offend you and your big brain.:poke:

                also if they're there for a reason other than just something the factory does so people dont burn themselfs, why dont the aftermarket headers come with heatsheilds???
                Last edited by jrherald420; 04-13-2009, 07:34 PM.


                • #23
                  Re: Plugs + wires + fuel filter = $450, reasonable?

                  Originally posted by Rob Bell View Post
                  ... But, for a lot less than that you can get all the replacement parts, a jack and stand set from Walmart, a set of tools that includes a spark plug socket, and a haynes manual. Then you'll have those tools forever...
                  ...Ditto! That should be enough motivation...

                  I agree with ne0hisda0ne, could be a coil... This is why you need a Haynes and a multimeter. It will tell you how to test it, the values that should show for it and plug wires among other things...
                  Last edited by nimrod.sixty9; 04-13-2009, 08:17 PM.
                  98 Camaro 3.8 M5 Y87 | 99 Camaro LS1 Z28 T56


                  • #24
                    Re: Plugs + wires + fuel filter = $450, reasonable?

                    Originally posted by jrherald420 View Post
                    i was asking because ive heard of people removing them....remember im new to the firebird thing, you want to know about mustangs we'll talk.

                    also when i was tearing down the spare 3.8 i have i noticed that its a very tight squeze and when you remove the sheilds its ALOT easyer to access the plugs. also when i removed the sheilds 3 out of the 6 mounting studs snaped off making re-mounting the sheilds impossable. this is why i sorry if my questions offend you and your big brain.:poke:

                    also if they're there for a reason other than just something the factory does so people dont burn themselfs, why dont the aftermarket headers come with heatsheilds???
                    you can live without them. could burn a wire though if one is loose. id just get headers and trash the stock mani's. v6 headers can be picked up pretty cheap

                    current car- 95 Trans am- bolt ons, parked and collecting dust. why? because **** it

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                    • #25
                      Re: Plugs + wires + fuel filter = $450, reasonable?

                      Originally posted by vanbibber View Post
                      you can live without them. could burn a wire though if one is loose. id just get headers and trash the stock mani's. v6 headers can be picked up pretty cheap

                      easyer said than done..... remember no job + bankruptcy= short on cash...


                      • #26
                        Re: Plugs + wires + fuel filter = $450, reasonable?

                        just throwing it out there lol

                        like so..


                        current car- 95 Trans am- bolt ons, parked and collecting dust. why? because **** it

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                        • #27
                          Re: Plugs + wires + fuel filter = $450, reasonable?

                          Originally posted by vanbibber View Post
                          just throwing it out there lol

                          like so..


                          nice....wanna buy them for me and ill come up there all summer and wash and wax your T/A all summer????


                          • #28
                            Re: Plugs + wires + fuel filter = $450, reasonable?

                            lol id almost do that. she needs some sweet lovin' and i havent had the time yet :(

                            current car- 95 Trans am- bolt ons, parked and collecting dust. why? because **** it

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                            • #29
                              Re: Plugs + wires + fuel filter = $450, reasonable?

                              you know what it would take!!!! hahaha


                              • #30
                                Re: Plugs + wires + fuel filter = $450, reasonable?

                                Originally posted by jrherald420 View Post
                                i was asking because ive heard of people removing them....remember im new to the firebird thing, you want to know about mustangs we'll talk.

                                also when i was tearing down the spare 3.8 i have i noticed that its a very tight squeze and when you remove the sheilds its ALOT easyer to access the plugs. also when i removed the sheilds 3 out of the 6 mounting studs snaped off making re-mounting the sheilds impossable. this is why i sorry if my questions offend you and your big brain.:poke:

                                also if they're there for a reason other than just something the factory does so people dont burn themselfs, why dont the aftermarket headers come with heatsheilds???
                                Well the stock manifolds are one long tube for all 3 cylinders so it creates more heat headers have a tube for EACH cylinder which creates far less heat...if you still have stock manifolds I suggest you put your shields back you'll only create more misery...


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