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hydrogen generator

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  • #16
    Re: hydrogen generator

    Alternators create a higher load on the engine as they are tasked to produce more current. So trying to perform electrolysis on a scale large enough to have any effect on engine performance will most likely either be a wash performance-wise or will have a negative effect because nothing is 100% efficient.
    2002 Silver Firebird A4<br />T-Tops, Leather, Y87, W68, Chrome Wheels<br />Bone Stock


    • #17
      Re: hydrogen generator

      Originally posted by Rob Bell View Post
      Alternators create a higher load on the engine as they are tasked to produce more current. So trying to perform electrolysis on a scale large enough to have any effect on engine performance will most likely either be a wash performance-wise or will have a negative effect because nothing is 100% efficient.
      i understand that but also if you think about you use engergy to conver the unsuable energy into useable energy so i might be completely wrong but you are efficently creating more usable engergy and i also believe that you would notice the big gain on highway driving and not in town because you have a constant halfway low rpm so you would use hydrogen instead of some of your gas i have no idea i might try it out after we dyno his car in 6 or 7 weeks just to see if it does any thing i will document everything and might sell kits if it all works
      Last edited by tomham; 04-22-2009, 01:29 PM.


      • #18
        Re: hydrogen generator

        Originally posted by tomham View Post
        i understand that but also if you think about you use engergy to conver the unsuable energy into useable energy so i might be completely wrong but you are efficently creating more usable engergy and i also believe that you would notice the big gain on highway driving and not in town because you have a constant halfway low rpm so you would use hydrogen instead of some of your gas i have no idea i might try it out after we dyno his car in 6 or 7 weeks just to see if it does any thing i will document everything and might sell kits if it all works
        not really the unusable energy from a car is lost during combustion in the form of heat and sound

        thats kinda like saying that you are going to get a battery to turn a motor (dc motor, not an engine) to turn an alternator, which will charge the battery back up

        its not going to happen that way because of all of the wasted energy you have spinning the motor which is then spinning the alternator, even with different gearing/pullies it will not be able to make up for it

        now, i tend to think differently about having a high output alternator on a car (or another alternator dedicated for this process) because really now, an alternator doesnt take much effort to turn at all, im not familiar with the process, but i dont think the minimal amount of load put on the engine would overcome the process to get hydrogen from water.. but its just a thought, im not really sure how much energy it requires


        • #19
          Re: hydrogen generator

          It doesnt matter how many alts you put on, the law still applies. Your changing one form of energy to another. And your getting less efficient each time... Therfor a negative effect... (Closed system)

          But if you add a chemical to the reaction, then thats different. Kind of like adding more gas. But in this reaction, it will eventually disappear... Like gas.

          Now something that would be worth while, is useing the wasted converted energy. HEAT...
          98 Camaro 3.8 M5 Y87 | 99 Camaro LS1 Z28 T56


          • #20
            Re: hydrogen generator

            I've seen a bunch of stuff in different places about this hydrogen system. A key factor in internal combustion engines is efficiency. Obviously, the higher the efficiency, the better the mileage/performance. I've heard that diesel engines perfom better with hydrogen but I have seen no proof. Think about this - there is an ideal fuel to 02 ratio which will provide improved mileage. The only way I see that you may improve mileage with hydrogen is to lean out your gasoline to 02 ratio and increase the hydrogen to 02 ratio. This will in effect use less gasoline = more MPG. So who has tuned their vehicle to this equation? No one. Sooooo, if you have free hydrogen production and tune your vehicle to use less gas and more H, then you will get better miles. I don't think any H system is large enough to produce the amount of hydrogen to see a big difference. In chem class it took quite a while to produce an insignificant amount of H. Send in a request to myth busters - Yo.



            • #21
              Re: hydrogen generator

              Originally posted by Mad Max View Post
              I've seen a bunch of stuff in different places about this hydrogen system. A key factor in internal combustion engines is efficiency. Obviously, the higher the efficiency, the better the mileage/performance. I've heard that diesel engines perfom better with hydrogen but I have seen no proof. Think about this - there is an ideal fuel to 02 ratio which will provide improved mileage. The only way I see that you may improve mileage with hydrogen is to lean out your gasoline to 02 ratio and increase the hydrogen to 02 ratio. This will in effect use less gasoline = more MPG. So who has tuned their vehicle to this equation? No one. Sooooo, if you have free hydrogen production and tune your vehicle to use less gas and more H, then you will get better miles. I don't think any H system is large enough to produce the amount of hydrogen to see a big difference. In chem class it took quite a while to produce an insignificant amount of H. Send in a request to myth busters - Yo.

              he said hes spent $7 on checmicle for the last 6 months so it would be cheaper then gas and i dont think it puts out a whole lot but at highway speeds if the thing is working steadily it will provide a difference he claims he has a lil 4 cylinder so im sure he notices a lot bigger boost then bigger cars wouldent the 02 sensors read the exhaust and therefore cause it to add less fuel?


              • #22
                Re: hydrogen generator

                Originally posted by nimrod.sixty9 View Post
                Yes... I know, I shouldn't have blurted it out like that. Sorry, Ive just had to point out some of the obvious flaws to so many diff people that swear it will get you a 100% increase in MPG. I gets redundant to the point ya get pissed. So I have given up trying to convince them and take them back to this basic law, which proves this thing pointless...

                Point here; If this thing did give more power to the car (or what ever else they claim it does) you would lose it by the alternator. Because your using the current and all your doing is converting from one form of energy to another (law again). And since you cant get 100% efficiency, it proves to have a negative effect :D

                ^^^ So thats why I posted what I did, because its all thats needed to be posted :P ...

                Now if you add a chemical, thats different, but your just getting energy from that as well. Not what Ive seen this contraption is about...

                what i was mainly getting at is that you arent creating energy you are just changing forms. charging water with electricity produces hydrogen.
                Team NoVa

                2000 Firebird- Intake, Pacesetters, !cat, full 2.5 to flowcrapster, 1.9 rockers, LS6 springs and Intense modded retainers, WS6 speedlines, T/A bumpers and hatch, 5 spd swapped, SOON TO BE nitrous'd and cammed.


                • #23
                  Re: hydrogen generator

                  Originally posted by tomham View Post
                  he said hes spent $7 on checmicle for the last 6 months so it would be cheaper then gas and i dont think it puts out a whole lot but at highway speeds if the thing is working steadily it will provide a difference he claims he has a lil 4 cylinder so im sure he notices a lot bigger boost then bigger cars wouldent the 02 sensors read the exhaust and therefore cause it to add less fuel?
                  the whole premise behind hydrogen generators is the fact that they run off of water...no chemicals involved.
                  Team NoVa

                  2000 Firebird- Intake, Pacesetters, !cat, full 2.5 to flowcrapster, 1.9 rockers, LS6 springs and Intense modded retainers, WS6 speedlines, T/A bumpers and hatch, 5 spd swapped, SOON TO BE nitrous'd and cammed.


                  • #24
                    Re: hydrogen generator

                    Originally posted by flamingchicken View Post
                    the whole premise behind hydrogen generators is the fact that they run off of water...no chemicals involved.

                    yes but this makes it a LOT more efficent and actually works unlike a lot of the ones advertised i have no idea tho


                    • #25
                      Re: hydrogen generator

                      Originally posted by Mad Max View Post
                      Send in a request to myth busters - Yo.

                      They have already done it, they used the water method...nothing...then they sprayed straight hydrogen gas into the carb with the gas cell disconnected and it started and ran while he was pumping it straight in through the carb....then....the top of the engine ignited....but it didn't stop them from doing it one more time... lol

                      they also tried other "gas saver" methods, none of them really worked at all. they tried a carb car and a fuel injected car. same results for both. if i remember correctly...

                      and I don't think they tried messing with the 02 sensors, which seems to make more sense than anything...


                      • #26
                        Re: hydrogen generator

                        I don't know if I'm thinking of the same mythbusters episode but they hooked up one of those kits they bought online. It made a couple of tiny bubbles. And they almost thought it was working when the car actually started for a few seconds. Then they figured out a little bit of gas was still in the lines.

                        TEAM C6V6


                        • #27
                          Re: hydrogen generator

                          lol yea idk but the chemicle is supposed to cause it to create a lot more hydrogen it dosent seem like mucu but it can fill up a baloon in a few min so idk that also does seem like a decent amout if you think about it


                          • #28
                            Re: hydrogen generator

                            i think it may be the same episode, they have done revisted (viewer complaints) episodes though so it may of been one of those...

                            pay for a tank, have him take you to houston and back...crunch the numbers..


                            • #29
                              Re: hydrogen generator

                              ^hes a thinker right there!

                              all about that proof!
                              Team NoVa

                              2000 Firebird- Intake, Pacesetters, !cat, full 2.5 to flowcrapster, 1.9 rockers, LS6 springs and Intense modded retainers, WS6 speedlines, T/A bumpers and hatch, 5 spd swapped, SOON TO BE nitrous'd and cammed.


                              • #30
                                Re: hydrogen generator

                                yea im excited to get it on the dyno and do emissions stuff and see what it does


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