Installed the Magnaflow cat back today. Took about two hours from start to test drive.



What a great system! Goes in easy, parts fit right, and when its fired up, oh boy, it sounds great! Put about half hour run time on it today, it still sounds nice. It is louder than I expected when accelerating, but I'll get used to that. Quiets out nice when cruising, but you can still hear it.
A couple of notes about the system; I really liked the band clamps Magnaflow supplied, but they goofed when using a classic U bolt clamp for the cat connection. The old style U clamp crushes the pipes making it nearly imposable to remove the pipes later, and is imposable to tighten without removing the cross brace. So I drilled out the spot weld on factory I pipe and reused it on the Magnaflow system:



What a great system! Goes in easy, parts fit right, and when its fired up, oh boy, it sounds great! Put about half hour run time on it today, it still sounds nice. It is louder than I expected when accelerating, but I'll get used to that. Quiets out nice when cruising, but you can still hear it.
A couple of notes about the system; I really liked the band clamps Magnaflow supplied, but they goofed when using a classic U bolt clamp for the cat connection. The old style U clamp crushes the pipes making it nearly imposable to remove the pipes later, and is imposable to tighten without removing the cross brace. So I drilled out the spot weld on factory I pipe and reused it on the Magnaflow system:
