I stoped at this place to see about a exhaust for my camaro and I got talking with the guy and he installed FlowMasters and clamed that there is NO way to put a flowmaster on a V6 camaro and that if he ordered a 80 series for a Z28 it would cost $490 with out install :eek: First stuped question is: is a V8 setup interchangeable with a V6? do the cats have the same bolt pattern and all?
I still owe alot of $$$$$ on this car but I figured that if it were $200 or so I would go for it but I cant see spending almost 2 car payments on a exhaust when the current one has no problems other then I dont like it.
I still owe alot of $$$$$ on this car but I figured that if it were $200 or so I would go for it but I cant see spending almost 2 car payments on a exhaust when the current one has no problems other then I dont like it.