anyone tried this? - Message Board


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anyone tried this?

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  • anyone tried this?

    here's what i'm thinking. this would all be 3".

    after the y-pipe...cutout, cat, and muffler, all right after each other. of course there'd be a little tailpipe on the muffler, pointing towards the ground.

    it'd probably be a random or catco cat, and a ravin z33 or z55 muffler.

    anyone tried this? pros, cons? thanks


  • #2
    Well theres a couple things. The cutout before the cat is going to sound horrible, so you'd probably not even want to open it after that. Youd be better off putting it after the cat, and if you did that you'd have no place for the muffler on the setup your talking about. There's no real advantage of having the muffler where your talking about unless you want to run it off the y-pipe all together. Second, youd have to get a single in/single out muffler, i'm not sure if they make them or not in the ravin series, they probably do though. I think you'd also have some issues with putting all that stuff before the over axle. I know I can fit my muffler right where the cat goes, but after that i'd sit really low and you'd probably rip apart the muffler on anything. I know I almost do now. I think in cosideration with appearance, no possible gains except the fact that it's exiting a little bit early that it wouldn't be worth it.


    • #3
      yeah, ravin makes the center single in/out, in both series.

      think there might be too little back pressure with the cutout in front of the cat? the cat & muffler would both be high flow, so maybe that'll flow enough, and i wouldn't even need a cutout?

      regarding how low it would hang...i'm not too worried about it...i've got GFX, so that would mostly hide the setup.

      the only gain i was thinking about regarding this setup was the weight savings. less brackets, less piping etc. it's not a whole lot, but a bit here & a bit there does add up.

      maybe a glass pack muffler would be better for this...they're just cylindrical...not like a bulky ravin [img]smile.gif[/img]




      • #4
        I think it would be lower then your GFX. The reason the piping fits under there now is because it has a path for it, and the cat has an opening. You should take a look under there and see how much room you got. You might be able to do it but I doubt it. If you stuck a muffler right before the over axle somewhere i'm almost certain it'd be riding on the road. No clearance what so ever. As far as that goes, it's too much trouble for a setup that has no real gains or purpose.


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