it took about 15 minutes altogether. simple mod. had to back out the bottom bolts a couple threads just to be safe and that requires an E6 Torx socket. since it's raining it's hard to get a full impression of what it will do. even with traction it's not gonna give 20hp anyway, but maybe 3-5. one thing though, it does seem to rev a bit quicker i ended up hitting the rev limiter the first time i shifted to second.
th TB was already warm from me driving it about 2 hours previous. after the drive the TB was still slightly warm to the touch but the upper intake was hot as hell so i think if the TB had been cold before it would probably still be cool to the touch. for the price i think it's a worthwhile mod. add a few of the small mods like this together and i think you can get a good gain. anyway talk to DEE for anymore info about it.
th TB was already warm from me driving it about 2 hours previous. after the drive the TB was still slightly warm to the touch but the upper intake was hot as hell so i think if the TB had been cold before it would probably still be cool to the touch. for the price i think it's a worthwhile mod. add a few of the small mods like this together and i think you can get a good gain. anyway talk to DEE for anymore info about it.