I did the search but couldn't find a specific enough answer to my question. I'm looking at getting headers for my car as my next mod. I decided to hold on the N2O til maybe April. Anyways, I'm not sure what kind of headers to get. So far I've only really heard of the RK Sports and Pacesetters. What kind should I get. I'm looking for whichever is going to give me the most power. I'm limited to about $500ish dollars. What kind of gains could I see with them. One more question is about pulleys. It seems like they should be pretty cheap and frees up some HP but what are downsides to pullies. I've heard they'll kill your alternator, make daily driving a little rougher, and mess with the engine in the long run because of the harmonic balance of the smaller pullies of some yada yada yada stuff. This car is a daily driver for me and I don't want any changes to affect it's daily driver-ability in a negative way. Thanks in advance for your input.