Make your car bog down so bad that WOT is no different from Half Gas? I pulled out of an intersection and gave it half gas and the RPMS were just slowly rising, then I punched it... absolutely NO difference in accelleration it just continued to slowly rise as if I had never surpassed half gas... It feels like I lost 50 - 90 HP sometimes and othertimes it's fine but still not quite as peppy as it should be. Like from a stop I can floor it, No wheel spin, I can't burnout, The RPMS just jump to 1.5 then rise up from there, it's not ENTIRE irresponsive it still does suck you in and launch just nowere near as peppy...
Details are...
155K on the clock
Stock Exhaust and Cat
I don't smell anything and I have no SES codes... but know when I really notice it bog down?... Right before it's about to rain... Even the engine sounds different, not like it's missing or anything, but more null...
Details are...
155K on the clock
Stock Exhaust and Cat
I don't smell anything and I have no SES codes... but know when I really notice it bog down?... Right before it's about to rain... Even the engine sounds different, not like it's missing or anything, but more null...