Air Filter dry time? - Message Board


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Air Filter dry time?

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  • Air Filter dry time?

    I just cleaned my Holley - how long does it take to dry? 5hrs? 10hrs? Ive got the filter indoors, temp is 72degF in here...
    2002 5-spd NBM Camaro

  • #2
    i left mine outside and let it sit for about 2 hours or so and it was fine.
    you can\'t get off if you don\'t get on


    • #3
      With shaking as much water out as I could, mine dried indoors in 45 minutes. ;)

      I'm thinking of going back to paper filters with the FRA mod and save the Holley for the track. :( The filter just gets too darn dirty too darn quickly and takes too darn long to clean it. [img]tongue.gif[/img] I put 8k miles on the filter (rotating it 180º at 4k miles) and the darn thing was filthy. Couldn't see through the filter (where the FRA comes to) with a 300 Watt halogen behind it! :eek: :(

      Or maybe I'll just put some screen where the FRA mod was done to catch all the big dirt, rocks, & debris. [img]graemlins/dunce.gif[/img]

      EDIT: Can't speel! ;)

      [ February 13, 2002: Message edited by: Jason McCallister ]</p>
      Jason McCallister, Founder & Webmaster<br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">West Tennessee F-Body Association, Inc.</a><br /><br />2000 Camaro - <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Details</a>


      • #4
        hehe my K&bn has been maybe 10k miles, I need ot clean it. I shake it and leaves and rocks fall out [img]smile.gif[/img]

        I think it take about 30 min.-1 hour, I just let it out for hours do be safe.


        • #5
          Yea, shake it out good and sit it up against something so air can get to both sides of the filter. What about this, do any of you think that putting it in the fridge would quicken time? hehe i know, weird


          • #6
            Thanks guys...

            I got it to work great, just left it sitting on a box fan all night with air blowing through it.

            It was dry as a bone come morning!
            2002 5-spd NBM Camaro


            • #7
              I don't have an oil-type filter, but if you just buy a $10 paper filter for down time, it would be alot less painful cleaning your other one.
              Arctic White \'02 Camaro<br />3.8, 5spd.


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