since my longtubes are goofy, meaning the drivers one has a 90* bend in it do you think its a good idea to run a true dual setup with regular headers? or is true duals with x pipe basically for longtubes? if i got regular headers and ran a y pipe setup with a borla or triflow exhaust do you think that the y pipe/ borla setup would sound better than the regular headers/ true dual setup with x pipe and bullets? or will the regular headers with true duals sound better than the y pipe setup? do you think my 1/4 mile times would be just as good with regular headers and the true duals with x pipe, as it would be with the longtubes with true duals and x pipe? or would the longtubes with true duals give me alot better et? it shouldnt be any better i mean the longtubes are only like 8-10" longer
