flaming exhaust trick - FirebirdV6.com/CamaroV6.com Message Board


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flaming exhaust trick

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  • #16
    <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by knowledgefreak:
    strobhen what is a 75 anniversary package? There is no such thing.. 30th and 35th maybe but what are you talking about?<hr></blockquote>

    Its real, look here:



    • #17
      More information on flames


      • #18
        Okay, all i have is one question... cause you know the lil wheel in my head is cranking...would be nice to have flames shoot out of the batmobile.

        Yes air is being pushed out, but what prevents the flames from going the other way back into my car and my whole car blowing up?

        Yeah it may be a dumb question, but like someone said earlier, playing with fire is not safe. Last thing i want to do is blow my car up just to see fire come out of its *** .
        - Ryan<br /> A.K.A BATMAN<br /> \"Be part of the solution...<br /> Not the problem\"


        • #19
          <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>just kids and your ideas of things aren't developed that your simple minds interprit things in a bad way. [/QB]<hr></blockquote>

          Dude yeah sure it was said jokingly but guess what THAT is the way a kid thinks that it is funny to roast some other guys stuff or go key some car that is cool because your jealous and dont have it. We simply do not need that kind of attitude here that you see all over the rice boards ok? That was all my point was if you want to talk about being a kid.

          Oh and ws6 YEah I dont know what the 75th thing was that is why i was asking so now i know.


          • #20
            Your rebutle is too weak and thus proves your inept way of thinking. Your point infact was that I need a bullet in my head because I wanted to destroy other cars simply because I didn't like them. My second post cleared that up, although, any semi intellegent person would know that I was speaking "hypotheticaly". I never said anything about keying someone's car so now your trying to make up things. In the simple cleche if someone jumps off a bridge would you do it as well, no. What are you a girl? This is simple locker talk. Anyone can understand that.

            You need to go back to the drawing board and come up with some better material or even better shut your mouth. You're a nobody with empty thoughts and now you've exposed yourself to everyone. I have been on this board longer than you and I know when to speak and when not to speak, this is not your place to speak because what you said is meaningless. I made a joke and you made it worse by starting in your part a pu$$y a$$ quarel. I don't know how old you are but your are a poser, a wannabe, and instead of your words being sharp they are at a whim. You could be 40 years old, which would be a joke, and still now I would consider you a puppy.

            I will not respond again unless needed, and my friend, if I were you I wouldn't further embarrass myself.
            1 of a kind<p>Red 97 Camaro<p>Modifications: <br />SLP CAI, RK Sport Headers, Car Sound High Flow Cat, 3\" piping<br />3\" Steel driveshaft, SFC\'s, Panhard Rod, MAC Torque Arm<br />Manual Fan Switch<p>Best E/T:<p>60\' 2.152<br />330 6.271<br />1/8th 9.704<br />MPH 71.93


            • #21
              Dear Mr Ego

              Let me spell out my point to you as your lack of judgement (inept) way of thinking along with your childish locker room talk of how funning it would be to ruin someone else's ride.

              YES I WOULD put a bullet in your head if i caught you messing up my property just for kicks. GUESS what in the great state of Texas it is perfectly legal to do that.

              GET it through your skull I dont give a crap about that you were hypothetical, no joke! you were saying haha would'nt that be funny beavis.

              MY answer to you is NO it is not even funny to think about destroying someone else's property but YOU are the one that is to inept to understand that so you feel like you are threatened and need to be mr big talker and tell us "See, I grew up with gangsters and having the bad temper I have and the way I grew up I have a hard sence of humor".

              Well Im here to tell you that your humor is not funny and so did a few other members that you insulted calling them morons and idiots. I think we all know you are just a troll and not any better than the trash talkers on the rice sites.

              WE DONT WANT YOUR CRAP HERE GET IT??? We focus on our cars our tech concerns and dont care about what others do to their cars here. (if you have a funny picture to share thats a different story)

              SO Mr Ego, You see you being so "inept" you missed my point and your EGO is to big you thought it was a personal attack.

              Repeat this to yourself 5 times "I have been on this board longer than you and I know when to speak and when not to speak"

              Obviously you dont realize being on this board does not make you a better person than another one here but Mr ego you think it does. We all have our own personalities our own strengths and weakness that we bring to this board and together we learn with each other and make this club a family. WE do not need bickering and quaralling or attitudes of a jealous child that gets a kick out of flaming or keying or destroying someone else's property. If it happened to you, you would be pissed. No reason to laugh tell it happens to you, what comes around goes around pal.

              "this is not your place to speak because what you said is meaningless" Mr ego this is not your board you do not hold the keys of when to speak and not to speak. THe Moderators do and as I suspect This topic should be LOCKED as it is way off topic but perhaps you might learn something from it.

              "I don't know how old you are but your are a poser, a wannabe, and instead of your words being sharp they are at a whim"

              Could you read that above quote a couple of times and try to convince me why you think your words are so sharp lol your words are so embryonic i mean playgroudish yeah that sounds good.
              Your asking about my age? your age is evident by your immature name calling and ideas of what is funny.

              Now put away your Thesaurus and chill ok? This is not the place to have flame wars if you want that go back to your ricer boards ok?

              the end.. [LOCKED]

              [ January 11, 2002: Message edited by: knowledgefreak ]</p>


              • #22
                Topic is over due to pissing and moaning.

                You two want to chit/chat and piss and moan, do it in an e-mail.

                FirebirdV6.com/CamaroV6.com Administrator
                Stupid is rewarded with the ban button.
                Official Avatar Nazi according to Meatyshells :D


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