Well, about 2 weeks ago my pacesetters from the GP finaly came.
I'm getting done putting my engine back together and will soon be putting it back in the car. So I wanted to see how the headers looked on it. So with the engine on the stand, I loosely bolted the headers to it. Then I held up the y-pipe. This is where the problems were found. The gap between the 2 collectors on the Y-pipe is too short! If I put one pipe on one header, the other pipe won't reach the other header!
I don't know the specs on these, so I guess the problem could either be the headers themselves, or the y-Pipe.
I emailed Pacesetter, but I dont' expect a reply until Monday. Do you guys think I'll just get a whole new set, or what? Whatever happens, I hope this gets taken care of quick, I want my car back on the road.
[ June 02, 2004, 08:47 PM: Message edited by: Distephano ]
I'm getting done putting my engine back together and will soon be putting it back in the car. So I wanted to see how the headers looked on it. So with the engine on the stand, I loosely bolted the headers to it. Then I held up the y-pipe. This is where the problems were found. The gap between the 2 collectors on the Y-pipe is too short! If I put one pipe on one header, the other pipe won't reach the other header!
I don't know the specs on these, so I guess the problem could either be the headers themselves, or the y-Pipe.
I emailed Pacesetter, but I dont' expect a reply until Monday. Do you guys think I'll just get a whole new set, or what? Whatever happens, I hope this gets taken care of quick, I want my car back on the road.
[ June 02, 2004, 08:47 PM: Message edited by: Distephano ]