Alright I finally ditched the loudmouth and nabbed that 3 inch flow. I just had it installed the other day and am trying to get used to hearing the engine again. I like how I now don't have to shift out of gear every time I pass a cop, so does my girlfriend. But of course getting a part and having it installed couldn't go smoothly, oh no.
Long story short, when starting from a stop, or at low rpms, I can hear this horrible rattle coming from the back. If I just sit there and rev I can't really hear it, same with if I go over a speed bump (finally!). I'm thankful that I don't have the loudmouth slamming against the car anymore, but this seems a lot worse. I'm gonna bring the car back to have it looked at, but for the sake knowledge, what could this be? Any simple thing I can fix myself by some tightening?
Edit: I'd like to clarify on when the noise happens. Its at low rpms but only when I'm accelerating, not at idle.
Long story short, when starting from a stop, or at low rpms, I can hear this horrible rattle coming from the back. If I just sit there and rev I can't really hear it, same with if I go over a speed bump (finally!). I'm thankful that I don't have the loudmouth slamming against the car anymore, but this seems a lot worse. I'm gonna bring the car back to have it looked at, but for the sake knowledge, what could this be? Any simple thing I can fix myself by some tightening?
Edit: I'd like to clarify on when the noise happens. Its at low rpms but only when I'm accelerating, not at idle.