Good Idea Bad Idea build own cold air intake? - Message Board


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Good Idea Bad Idea build own cold air intake?

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  • #16
    Re: Good Idea Bad Idea build own cold air intake?

    wow that is sick and is going to suck so much hot air you probably are going to lose performance. Just put it to the fender like companies have tested and found to work the best.


    • #17
      Re: Good Idea Bad Idea build own cold air intake?

      i can't get to the fender i noticed yours you dont have a fuse box, where your filter is i can't do it like yours i can't get over the radiator with out the 90* 4 to 3 inch to go up then over to where the old air box was and i can't go down untill i get that 90* 4" to 3" so right now i'm stuck there i bought the cobra head 4" i have pics in other reply so my question is answered right wont work sucking to much hot air? so i need either to go south some? or over radiator and in front slighty right? cause right now i'm stuck there i mean its a headache
      \"its been long over due\"


      • #18
        Re: Good Idea Bad Idea build own cold air intake?

        what year car is it again?


        • #19
          Re: Good Idea Bad Idea build own cold air intake?

          1998 my fuses are where your filter is so i dont know
          \"its been long over due\"


          • #20
            Re: Good Idea Bad Idea build own cold air intake?

            why don't you just get a whisper lid and ram air kit then since you have the lid already? That would be the best setup for a 98. If you don't want to pay for a whisper lid, just make your own by cutting the fins off the lid and replacing the silencer in between the lid with a piece of drier hose since you have an angled tb.


            • #21
              Re: Good Idea Bad Idea build own cold air intake?

              ok i re-did it with the a diffrent style i used to how to functional nostrals to make this ram air really work i'm not done i have to put "scoops" to persude the air to go MOSTLY to the filter total cost so far 70 dollars cause trial n error beat that people that want an intake. so look the front and back cut outs and wait for finished product o n can i tell s diff oh yes at 25+ its growls to red line then flows fast =)
              Attached Files
              Last edited by UpOnGaMe; 04-20-2006, 05:34 PM.
              \"its been long over due\"


              • #22
                Re: Good Idea Bad Idea build own cold air intake?

                That looks kinda rough man. Why didn't you like the whisper or similar lid idea?
                \'98 Camaro V6<br />Appearance... pleasing<br />Performance... just a little extra air.


                • #23
                  Re: Good Idea Bad Idea build own cold air intake?

                  The reason i didn't go with the whisper lid is because for the money i saved i can now buy gears plus really you think that the whisper lid and "intake" they sell REALLY is going to make awhole lot more hp then my set up it is a ram air since i did the free mod to make it so and believe me i can tell a diff just follow the whole post from how it was to now i mean if your tight with cash and rather do it your self why not i mean i'm not broke but now i dont have to wait to buy gears there on there way =)
                  \"its been long over due\"


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