From those who have done this, I went ahead and took off my cat with my friend today and I'm having trouble figuring out how i'm going to fit the straight pipe over the post-cat O2 sensor nub. I thought i would be able to cut it after the nub, but the pipe immediately starts bending on the S-pipe. I could sand off the nub if i could get the s-pipe off, but even after taking the bolt off of the exhaust clamp, it's stuck on real good.
Input from those who have completed this task is appriciated. What exactly did you do to make it all fit right? I have a 3" to 2.5" adapter and a 2.5" pipe to replace the cat, then a 2.5" to 2 1/4" adapter, but the last adapter doesn't fit over the nub.
Input from those who have completed this task is appriciated. What exactly did you do to make it all fit right? I have a 3" to 2.5" adapter and a 2.5" pipe to replace the cat, then a 2.5" to 2 1/4" adapter, but the last adapter doesn't fit over the nub.