So I found some interesting reading material today (no not that kind) and apparently some people have had luck using spark plug defoulers to space the sensor further back from the exhaust stream.
I just bought the defoulers and I'm gonna wait for my drill to charge then try it out.
Drill out one of the defoulers (they come in a 2-pack) with a 1/2" drill bit.
Screw the o2 sensor into the drilled defouler (we drilled to make room for the sensor head)
Screw the other (undrilled) defouler onto the drilled one.
screw the whole assembly into the rear o2 hole.
Reset ecu and cat low efficency code won't come back!
Cost: $5 for the defoulers.
Drilled defouler:

I just bought the defoulers and I'm gonna wait for my drill to charge then try it out.
Drill out one of the defoulers (they come in a 2-pack) with a 1/2" drill bit.
Screw the o2 sensor into the drilled defouler (we drilled to make room for the sensor head)
Screw the other (undrilled) defouler onto the drilled one.
screw the whole assembly into the rear o2 hole.
Reset ecu and cat low efficency code won't come back!
Cost: $5 for the defoulers.
Drilled defouler: