Testing out new camera's video. - FirebirdV6.com/CamaroV6.com Message Board


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Testing out new camera's video.

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  • Testing out new camera's video.

    So sick of every camera I ever use, in video mode the audio is so flat and just blah. Got a new cam today though, yay. Played around a bit.


  • #2
    Re: Testing out new camera's video.

    Sounds good!


    • #3
      Re: Testing out new camera's video.

      Sounds great...where's the revs?

      What cam are you running?
      1996 Chevrolet Camaro
      1995 Buick Park Avenue Ultra
      --Appearance Moderator--


      • #4
        Re: Testing out new camera's video.

        Waiting to finish heads before cam install. Though I do have a small vacuum leak I'm tracking down (have a hunch) that does throw it off a bit. Makes for a nice sounding idle though ;)


        • #5
          Re: Testing out new camera's video.

          oh haha, nice. Definitely gives you a nice choppy idle.
          1996 Chevrolet Camaro
          1995 Buick Park Avenue Ultra
          --Appearance Moderator--


          • #6
            Re: Testing out new camera's video.

            what kind of camera is it?


            • #7
              Re: Testing out new camera's video.



              • #8
                Re: Testing out new camera's video.

                lol I thought it was cammed.. ha

                It's almost like there are two layers.. I can hear the stock idle + a cammed type sound.

                I'm interested to see if you have any gains with the heads.


                • #9
                  Re: Testing out new camera's video.

                  Progress on the heads will Really jump up when summer gets a bit closer. Right now between work and everything else I only get about an hour every few days on them. And recently it's just been too cold outside to want to be out there.

                  I'm expecting middle of May/June to have them done along with the money/time to drop the heads/cam/headers in. If it's a reasonable price (I have no idea) to have a local headshop just flowtest them when I am done I will, and just compare them to the average stock numbers on the net. Even if I don't gain much from the heads... at least they have 100,000 miles less on them than mine now!


                  • #10
                    Re: Testing out new camera's video.

                    I have 4 valve seats, some decking, and final polishing to do until my heads are finished :)
                    It'd be nice to have them flow tested but I'm not sure I will.
                    Then I just need some springs and I'll get them in..probably before a cam.
                    1996 Chevrolet Camaro
                    1995 Buick Park Avenue Ultra
                    --Appearance Moderator--


                    • #11
                      Re: Testing out new camera's video.

                      Got any pics? Of course we all know if we post pictures of our headwork people will steal the ideas!!! ;)

                      Just still looking for tips on basic flow design, finding good pictures of porting work is a pain.


                      • #12
                        Re: Testing out new camera's video.

                        I just read something interesting

                        "Why Not Polish The Ports ??
                        Doesn't Air Flow Better on a Smooth Surface ???

                        Remember that the ultimate goal isn't "flow" ... it's POWER !!

                        The intake port is going to flow both fuel and air. The problem with fuel is that, since it weighs more, it's difficult to keep it evenly mixed with the air as it follows the contours of the port.

                        Boundary Layer

                        The next time you drive a car in the rain, notice that when the car is going 60 MPH, the rain drops go up the hood of the car at walking speed. That's because the smooth surface of the car creates what's known as a boundary layer, and the portion of that layer of air that's nearest to the surface is almost still.

                        The same thing happens inside an intake port. Except instead of raindrops, it's fuel droplets that will run down the port wall slower than the air. That causes a serious change in the fuel air mixture by the time it reaches the cylinder, ruining much of the engine's potential power.
                        Polishing the port walls will ensure that this happens.

                        The phrase "Port & Polish" always makes me laugh ... I think the idea came from 70's Hot Rod magazines or something. Anyways, the last thing you want to do is polish your ports !!!

                        Instead, by making a series of rough 60 grit lines that purposely go against the flow, the "boundary layer area" will be turbulent, and the fuel will stay suspended in the air.

                        Remember: Rough is Good !!"


                        • #13
                          Re: Testing out new camera's video.

                          Yeah, the way I understand it (mentioned in the P&P thread) is that polishing the intake runners is just fine, but not past the injectors because of the reasons mentioned above. Cleaning up the intake ports/bowls is good, but you are not supposed to polish them, personally I am leaving the intake ports in the heads at 80 grit sandpaper while working the exhaust ports and chambers up to using a cross-buff.

                          Then again, remember I am a novice at this. But those are what I understand to go by.

                          Actually, you can see the difference in port texture even from this pic. Compare the intake vs exhaust port.

                          If it's alright with you guys, can we take the P&P talk to the thread in Advanced? Might as well keep the topic over there? http://forum.camarov6.com/showthread.php?t=86998
                          Last edited by Taheen; 01-19-2008, 04:39 PM.


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