A while back you might remember the problems I was having with my MSD window switch working without an MSD ignition box. To recap: I sent my window switch in to be modified to a 2-cylinder application, which is what the techs at MSD told me I needed to do so it would work with the factory ignition. I got it back, wired it up, and tried it out. It wasn't working for me. The switch would come on at 3000 rpm, but as soon as I passed 3000, it shut off again. After talking with the techs again I sent it back, with a diagram of how I had it wired. Today the tech I've been dealing with called me and told me that now I needed to run it through a relay first, then to the nitrous system. He's now sending it back to me with a diagram of how to wire it through the relay. I'll update you when I get it back, just thought some of you others that want a window switch without throwing down the $$ for a msd ignition might want to know.
[ September 27, 2002: Message edited by: 96BeastV6 ]
[ October 03, 2002: Message edited by: 96BeastV6 ]</p>
[ September 27, 2002: Message edited by: 96BeastV6 ]
[ October 03, 2002: Message edited by: 96BeastV6 ]</p>