I ordered my bottle heater today, and was just wondering if we already have a switched hot wire back there in the spare tire well to power the thing... That is a large enough gauge.
I did a search on here, and no luck...
I can probe them and find out, but figured if someone already knew, I would just ask, and save myself from re-inventing that wheel.
p.s. I got a couple of smaller jets ordered too, so I can start spraying again, I drilled my original one out too much. So I'm about to be happy with my nitrous again!! (happy by nitrousing the car that is, in case anybody was getting the wrong idea from that remark...) :D
I did a search on here, and no luck...
I can probe them and find out, but figured if someone already knew, I would just ask, and save myself from re-inventing that wheel.
p.s. I got a couple of smaller jets ordered too, so I can start spraying again, I drilled my original one out too much. So I'm about to be happy with my nitrous again!! (happy by nitrousing the car that is, in case anybody was getting the wrong idea from that remark...) :D