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This may be dumb but...

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  • This may be dumb but...

    What regulates a nitrous bottle's pressure? I know a bottle heater brings the pressure up to optimal psi range, but what keeps it there? what keeps it from rising higher?

    i know a blowdown tube ruptures if the pressure is too high, but what is to keep the pressure at a steady level?

    just something that crossed my mind while sitting on the toilet.

    one more thing. with the pressure gauge mounted on the a-pillar, what is the feed for that gauge? is it electronic or a tube?

  • #2
    Static temperature = static pressure. 85 degress is aproximatly 1000PSI if the bottle has enough nitrous in it. A themostat secures between the bottle and warmer that kills the ground if the temperature exceeds 85 degrees.

    Most guages use a normal nitrous line, the electronic ones cost significantly more.


    • #3
      do the thermostats come with the bottle heaters?


      • #4
        Check this bottle heater out. Its the one I am buying along with the A/F Ration Nitrous Cut off Switch and Nitrous pressure guage. All the guages are digital, and cost more, but no fuel or nitrous lines have to be run to the pillar pode. This bottle heater works off pressure valve pretty sweet if you ask me. Not to mention its as cheap or cheaper than NX system and the guy that sells them, DAN, is very knowlegdable on the system, give him a email he is quick in returning a response.

        [ September 23, 2003: Message edited by: twofaced ]</p>
        !!!TOWN IDIOT!!!


        • #5
          well, im plannin on gettin the NX GM EFI kit, with the GENX-2 upgrade.

          do all bottle warmers come with a thermostat to control the temperature?

          as far as gauges, the GENX-2 upgrade comes with the bottle gauge for the pressure, but i plan on getting a Dual A-pillar pod with the A/F ratio (electric one.......yea yea, i know, its a lot of money) and a nitrous psi gauge.

          are all nitrous psi gauges for the a-pillar's mechanical, or can you get electric ones?


          • #6
            the Nx does not come with a thermostat.
            it comes with a pressure switch (BETTER) than the temp versions.

            NX also makes a electric pressure gauge too.


            [ September 22, 2003: Message edited by: slow ]</p>
            1998 Ws6 Ta M6 #370 Bright Red<br />Custom \"NX\" style switch panels $35<br />Plug in fan switches $50 <br />SLP lid, Pro 5.0, Corsa, Custom Fan switch<br />....vortech waiting to be installed.


            • #7
              the pressure switch, i assume that works by shutting the heater off when the pressure is at a certain PSI?

              cause that would be exactly what i was wondering...

              and what does the NX electric gauge hook up to? i was under the impression that all the fittings were mechanical.

              but i assume also that if there is a pressure shutoff switch for the bottle heater, that the electric psi gauge somehow ties into that sensor.

              am i right?


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