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  • #91
    i think im going to stay dry for a while, what kind of tuning should i be doing for my 75 shot? i would much rather run rich than lean.... any tuning or will i be perfectly fine stock with stock everything?

    im talking about timing and stuff.. should i invest in one of those masterminds where i can turn the knobs of timing retard and all that junk?
    -Hawk<br /><br />===================================<br />Black 2001 Pontiac Firebird<br />Automatic Transmission Street Bird<br /><br /> <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a> <br /><br />\"Live like you were Dying\"


    • #92
      you should be fine on a 75 shot with stock might wanna gap the plugs a little closer (.035 - .040..something like that) currently running a 110 shot...and will be increasing to a 120 ...but i have the fuel upgrades, suspension upgrades, internal upgrades, and the tuning ability to see everything thats going on in my car...75 can be done stock..100 with upgraded fuel pump and some NGK TR6 .035 gapped plugs...100 and up and you also need to start watching your air/fuel ratio, fuel pressure, spark retard...i would stay at 75 for a while...get used to using and handling nitrous...get your car used to it...unless you're going to be drag racing and willing to put some $$$ into more accessories i would not suggest going over a 100 shot...but done'll be a nice kick in the @ss [img]smile.gif[/img]
      <b>12 SECOND DUAL STAGE DRY NITROUS POWERED 98 A4 V6 CAMARO<br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a><br />Best ET: 12.82@103<br />Best MPH: 104.7<br />Best 60\': 1.75 - Stock TC</b><br /> </font><blockquote><font size=\"1\" face=\"Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif\">quote:</font><hr /><font size=\"2\" face=\"Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif\">Originally posted by Shodown:<br /><strong>1DV6 runs 12\'s...enough said. </strong></font><hr /></blockquote><font size=\"2\" face=\"Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif\">


      • #93
        so at a 75 without tuning will i be runnning just slightly on the lean side or on the rich side? and James, you said to make sure i install an FPSS always, so even on a dry shot...yeah i figured it couldnt hurt [img]smile.gif[/img] especially if i upgrade to wet one day, one less thing to have to wire up... but im staying dry75 for a while definately, i cant pull the engine myself so not a lot of internal stuff ill be able to do unless i can get at it from the engine bay... what can i do internally without taking the engine out? just plugs and wires?

        so if im going to do anything over 75 i must look at definately a

        walboro255 intank
        some major rear end stuff
        solid one peice D/S?
        some internals, and some more gauges to monitor things as well as an easy way to tune the retard and stuff... what would be the best for of tuning? HP tuners i have heard about, whats that? i saw something in a pic of James' car looked like it plugged into that diagnostic port under the steering wheel.

        thanks for everything you two haha
        -Hawk<br /><br />===================================<br />Black 2001 Pontiac Firebird<br />Automatic Transmission Street Bird<br /><br /> <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a> <br /><br />\"Live like you were Dying\"


        • #94
          Ack man.... sometimes I think you have not used the search button [img]tongue.gif[/img]

          ALWAYS use a FPSS, dry wet whatever.
          Fuel pump is a smart upgrade, I did not do that at the time
          1 piece d/s is a smart upgrade

          Tuning... was done on the dyno with changing nitrous jets and my AFPR.

          That port under my steering wheel.... you have it too.

          HP TUNERS......basically.... adjust almost all parameters of the car from fuel, timing, gear change, fan temp etc
          Race car - gone but not forgotten - 1997 firebird V6
          nitrous et & mph: 12.168 & 110.95 mph, n/a 13.746 & 96.38 mph
          2013 Dodge Challenger SRT8: 12.125, 116.45
          2010 Ford Taurus SHO: no times yet


          • #95
            im sorry, my question asking is impulsive... i just dont want to have any shadows of doubt you know? ill get me a FPSS and ill check out these HP tuners but i guess i wont need them for my small 75 shot eh?
            -Hawk<br /><br />===================================<br />Black 2001 Pontiac Firebird<br />Automatic Transmission Street Bird<br /><br /> <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a> <br /><br />\"Live like you were Dying\"


            • #96
              nahh 75 shot you'll be fine...defintely use the FPSS...i've always used one no matter what size shot...100 and over you want to look into all the stuff James mentioned...HP Tuners is great...i can adjust anything i want...INTENSE-RACING provided me with a standard file...adjust air/fuel ratio, shift points, fans, will recalibrate for my new gears, etc...except this file comes with the timing advanced so i'll be adjusting that myself...its expensive...but i have found it to be a GREAT investment...especially if you do plan on doing some of these things in the future with your car [img]smile.gif[/img]
              <b>12 SECOND DUAL STAGE DRY NITROUS POWERED 98 A4 V6 CAMARO<br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a><br />Best ET: 12.82@103<br />Best MPH: 104.7<br />Best 60\': 1.75 - Stock TC</b><br /> </font><blockquote><font size=\"1\" face=\"Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif\">quote:</font><hr /><font size=\"2\" face=\"Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif\">Originally posted by Shodown:<br /><strong>1DV6 runs 12\'s...enough said. </strong></font><hr /></blockquote><font size=\"2\" face=\"Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif\">


              • #97
                i know ill be ok without tuning now but when spraying nitrous, is it natural for the engine to go more lean or what? or is it like the higher the shot you go, the more your car will start to go lean, which is why you need tuning and better injectors/fuel pump

                oh and 1dv6 are you going to sell your sway bar?!?!?!?!?!?!?!! PLEASE!? haha
                -Hawk<br /><br />===================================<br />Black 2001 Pontiac Firebird<br />Automatic Transmission Street Bird<br /><br /> <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a> <br /><br />\"Live like you were Dying\"


                • #98
                  I really think you need to spend a few hours just reading posts from this forum...

                  I'd also hold off on buying ANY N2O until all of your questions are answered...BY READING!

                  Thy questions shall be answered if thou would only taketh a quick look
                  2002 Black Firebird:<br />A4, Y87, W68, T-tops<br />Best NA ET: 15.16 @ 90<br /> <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>


                  • #99
                    well i feel that my question is sort of strange... and of all of the reading that i have done on N20 (A LOT) and books and crap, i havent learned about this yet, and im pretty sure no one else has asked this question because not a lot of people even understand it that well enough to start thinking that deeply about its effects... anyways ill search but im doubtful that ill find anything, thanks all
                    -Hawk<br /><br />===================================<br />Black 2001 Pontiac Firebird<br />Automatic Transmission Street Bird<br /><br /> <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a> <br /><br />\"Live like you were Dying\"


                    • Originally posted by DarkEcho:
                      i know ill be ok without tuning now but when spraying nitrous, is it natural for the engine to go more lean or what? or is it like the higher the shot you go, the more your car will start to go lean, which is why you need tuning and better injectors/fuel pump

                      oh and 1dv6 are you going to sell your sway bar?!?!?!?!?!?!?!! PLEASE!? haha
                      i find (and most other guys often do) that the car actually runs on the rich side when i spray (soon to be tuned)...sorry man..i wont be sellin the sway bar [img]smile.gif[/img]
                      <b>12 SECOND DUAL STAGE DRY NITROUS POWERED 98 A4 V6 CAMARO<br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a><br />Best ET: 12.82@103<br />Best MPH: 104.7<br />Best 60\': 1.75 - Stock TC</b><br /> </font><blockquote><font size=\"1\" face=\"Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif\">quote:</font><hr /><font size=\"2\" face=\"Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif\">Originally posted by Shodown:<br /><strong>1DV6 runs 12\'s...enough said. </strong></font><hr /></blockquote><font size=\"2\" face=\"Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif\">


                      • haha its cool, i just need a new one, i think i am going to go with all BMR stuff... i have heard its good... would you recommend the size you have? i love cornering already just with shox and springz...

                        oh and thats exactly the answer i was looking for... im cool as long as nitrous pushes you to the rich side...

                        you know i have this theory behind it...

                        when you spray dry at least, everyone says that its bad because you can lean out certain cylinders... i dont think so, if the maf senses the incoming nitrous, and increases the fuel for every cylinder for that nitrous, people say that some times the nitrous isnt evenly distributed, so that means that the front most cylinders get their share first and burn it, but the maf knows the amount and has already set it self accordingly for fuel. the back cylinders will just be getting more fuel than nitrous = rich... this sounds like a pretty stable idea for myself... what do you think?
                        -Hawk<br /><br />===================================<br />Black 2001 Pontiac Firebird<br />Automatic Transmission Street Bird<br /><br /> <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a> <br /><br />\"Live like you were Dying\"


                        • i would definitely recommend the size i have...they are the Spohn sway bar set from cornering is SICK far as running can change the jet in the bypass T .01 either way until you are running a nice air/fuel ratio (i just havent gotten around to this yet) [img]smile.gif[/img]
                          <b>12 SECOND DUAL STAGE DRY NITROUS POWERED 98 A4 V6 CAMARO<br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a><br />Best ET: 12.82@103<br />Best MPH: 104.7<br />Best 60\': 1.75 - Stock TC</b><br /> </font><blockquote><font size=\"1\" face=\"Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif\">quote:</font><hr /><font size=\"2\" face=\"Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif\">Originally posted by Shodown:<br /><strong>1DV6 runs 12\'s...enough said. </strong></font><hr /></blockquote><font size=\"2\" face=\"Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif\">


                          • wet or dry... it still sprays into the intake manifold.... and then it is up to luck how much will enter each cylinder.

                            BEST set up... direct port kit
                            Race car - gone but not forgotten - 1997 firebird V6
                            nitrous et & mph: 12.168 & 110.95 mph, n/a 13.746 & 96.38 mph
                            2013 Dodge Challenger SRT8: 12.125, 116.45
                            2010 Ford Taurus SHO: no times yet


                            • yeah i know that the best is DP but what im really trying to figure out is, when spraying nitrous, does the stock sensor detect the incoming nitrous correctly enough to put the the perfect/ or slightly rich amount of fuel into the cylinders?

                              and i know that its all luck of which cylinders get what, but with WET the consisten mixture/ratio of air/fuel in the air, it doesnt matter if one cylindedr sucks it all up, it is still the proper ratio, so therefore you will never go lean, as long as that consistency is always there,

                              i chose to go dry because i was afraid of
                              1.) WET kit nitrous backfires, notorious for ripping apart engine stuff..
                              2.) more detectable, if you have fuel residue in your intake manifold haha...
                              3.) more costly, and lot more labor into fuel delivery and such
                              4.) more parts in general that can break... so thats why i went dry, besides im a beginner trying this out so i dont want to get too serious, i figure if i really love this stuff, i can always add the "wet" part to it and make it a wet kit [img]smile.gif[/img]

                              but yeah, i my original question was basically, does nitrous tend to make cylinders more lean or more rich, i think from the responses, its that they go slightly rich, so thats good,

                              and when adjusting timing, if you retard the timing a few degrees, are you making the explosion closer to TDC? so that there is less detonation? with a small shot do i need to worry about any kind of tuning? and if so, what tuning and what equiptment, sorry james, im going to search right now lol...
                              -Hawk<br /><br />===================================<br />Black 2001 Pontiac Firebird<br />Automatic Transmission Street Bird<br /><br /> <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a> <br /><br />\"Live like you were Dying\"


                              • I just got my NX stuff in today and let me tell you... there are SO many pieces!! I'm blown away by how much stuff I actually need to spray! Well I guess it doesn't help that I bought damn near everything NX has on the market, but still! The directions for everything but the electrical parts are fairly straight forward. I'm gonna have to learn a little about my car's wiring scheme before I go splicing and dicing though... Where to begin :(
                                2002 Black Firebird:<br />A4, Y87, W68, T-tops<br />Best NA ET: 15.16 @ 90<br /> <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>


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